Inspirations and Quotations by Tomas O. Carthaigh - HTML preview

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Where There's an If

Desecrate the act of the showing of love By denying and condemning a need To be loved, and to give love Gave rise to indulgence of greed. And so the act of love came not of the heart, But purely of sensation to feel, Which without love is empty, And without love is not real.
If I were a rich man I would do good And the world a better place make, Not to seek glory to say I am great, But for doing goods sake.

If I were a strong man I’d do many things, And everything correct make others do, But alas I am but one and of no power,

And this every day I rue.



And the loudest voice kept shouting Their version of the story to tell, So that now it is the only one Of how out of favour Adam fell. When hearts grow cold and love no more, And love is but a historical fact When we use each other for lust alone... Then sinful is the act.
If only I had, then I would do, Why can I not do today, The little Im capable of I can do, Rather than looking away.

Theres a hell of a want where theres an "if", No matter how well it you mean, Two walls will not a roof make, Unless theres a cover between!
