Inspirations and Quotations by Tomas O. Carthaigh - HTML preview

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Snakes All Around Us

Readers of these pages from Ireland will be familiar with Fr Brian D'Arcy's "A Little Bit of Faith" column in the Sunday Word, and Irish Sunday newspaper.

In the October 1 2006 edition, Fr Brian quotes a tale told by Native American actor Iron Eyes Cody.

While he tells it to warn of the dangers of drink and drugs, I feel it can equally apply for those who go into personal or business relationships that are dodgy from the start with their eyes open.

In summary, be wary of all who offer false promises be aware of the reality behind them.

And at the floor of the mountain tall, The boy set the rattle snake free, Upon touching the ground it rattled and hissed, Rose... to strike the boy on the knee.

But you promised you wouldn't pleaded the boy, As to the ground in pain he fell, "You knew what I was when you picked me up" The snake to him did tell.
So should you meet a snake in the snow, Or in the lushest of grass,
Believe not the promises they speak, Back off! And by them pass...
