Inspirations and Quotations by Tomas O. Carthaigh - HTML preview

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Begin in Delight, and End in Wisdom

::: "Book found open…

Painstakingly copied in Latin script, it was found open to a page describing Psalm 83, in which God hears complaints of other nations’ attempts to wipe out the name of Israel.

Wallace described the book’s binding and cover as "leather velum, very thick wallet in appearance." It could take months of study just to identify the safest way to pry open the pages without
damaging them, he said.

In a bog of brown... a message from God? What else could this find be... A plea to their lord to defend from those Who the death of Israel would like to see?

A wonder from a thousand years Never before known to exist And a man with a slane, like Christ, so humble, So easily could have destroyed it, or missed...

And in the peat of an Irish bog It lay hidden until the day
When an Israel existing to their god pleaded Against those who'd love to smash her away...

And in the land of the Aryan (Iran) Once again markings they have to wear, While waiting to be found in an Irish bog...

A message from God, was it that was there?


A poem begins in delight and ends in wisdom.
- Robert Frost

This quotation from Frost, while about an ideal template for a poem, struck me as an ideal template for life. Often those despised at birth, die in folly, in youth, their lives not making a metaphorical poem.

To begin in delight and end in wisdom, Is the aim of every man, So it was throughout the years Right from when time began. Begin in delight when you are born, End in death at age when wise, Alas, too many die young and stupid, And more their birth others despise!

Such is the tragedy of our world... Makes it look as if all is lost, If only all in our world could live The truth in the words of Frost.
