Inspirations and Quotations by Tomas O. Carthaigh - HTML preview

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On Suns Setting at the End of The Day Natures Great and Natures Kind

On suns setting at the end of the day, The night we trust to us safe keep, And all in bed to slumber lay, And slip to blissful sleep.
And in slumbers start to dream Images disjointed, varied, pleasant... Causing us to make in sweats and screams, If such a dream wasn’t.
Natures great and natures kind Though cruel by many it is called For survival of the toughest Leaves the weaker dead or mauled.

But those of us who call ourselves civilized Can rise above this natural rule Should we help each other not we shall see We are not clever: no, but the fool.

Mostly on waking we forget The reveries tapestry, And to more its as if not Asleep were they, but in reality. For nature in its kindness to us it gave The ability each other to assist, Through the trials for the toughest: To bad if we let this opportunity be missed!

For a strange thing is the mind, Tricked by our slumber embraced brain, And when so confused ourselves we find, We question are we sane? So as you to your slumbers settle, I hope that you sleep well, And at the mornings breakfast kettle, Of no nightmares you have to tell!