Kelvinism 2.0 by Kelvin Bueckert - HTML preview

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Your Vices/My Verses


Works can’t save anyone from themselves

that’s why we have grace

for the times we have failed to love

and love sure isn’t easy

when I see the liar in you

and you see the hypocrite in me

facing the naked truth is never easy

but what if I could see

what you could be

instead only what you are doing

what if you could admit your searching

those nights sorting through a world of trash for meaning

and finding nothing worth holding on to

what if we could admit that we share a common longing

the prayer seen in a fist unfolding

to welcome a Holy fire

burning away our selfish desire

and all the violence the world has to offer

what if I saw you the way God sees you

as someone to die for

what if you saw me in the same way

would you let me go

would I let you stay