Kelvinism 2.0 by Kelvin Bueckert - HTML preview

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What is a Radical?


What does it mean to be counter-cultural

is it visible in the one showing love without reason

even to their enemies

because anybody can hate

and they do

is the fire of revolution burning in the one feeling a strange calm

when everything is collapsing

and so it seems

is the weirdo the one filled with a spirit of peace

when the entire world is raging

(with the best of intentions, according to the television)

is the radical the one who can see a hope beyond their situation

even while their dreams are being shattered

and torn apart by the mob

is the revolution seen in the light that carries on

a misfit, out of place in the gathering gloom

but still better off than becoming one with the darkness surrounding

that wants us to lash out at everyone