Kelvinism 2.0 by Kelvin Bueckert - HTML preview

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Wondering About Tomorrow


Will things be better

or will they be worse

when tomorrow comes

will we move forward

or will we say we are moving ahead, while going in reverse

when tomorrow rings

in hollow echoes

when our leaders boast

of dreams they should be ashamed of

while their people

love them for being shameless

preening for the cameras and their hidden agendas

while their ideas

lock the common people into a cycle of sorrow

will things change

in the hard light of morning

when tomorrow dawns

will things stay the same

when the calendar turns

through the air, somersaulting into the trash

do we really need to worry

about what tomorrow holds

if we know who holds tomorrow

do we need to worry about the world

when we know the One who made an entire universe of worlds

and reveals Himself in a stunning tapestry of a stars

a mass of fires

flickering across the sky

show us a glimpse of heaven

something other than the pain

that we’ve always known

the truth that the Creator of supernovas

cares enough to know our name