Kelvinism 2.0 by Kelvin Bueckert - HTML preview

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Joy to the World?


If all we listen to is the news

it is difficult to believe that anything good can happen

if all we watch is the neighbors

and complain about them doing the dark things that we wish we could

it is hard to find a spark of light in the boredom of our lives

if all want is to hide from the truth

it is impossible to become braver

to shine like a shameless diamond

with the divine fire that fuels the sun

but if our hope comes from beyond our circumstance

and our faith is placed in something greater than ourselves

we can find our ears being tickled by Christmas bells

the laughing child

and the realization that the original Christmas story

is about a baby who was born to overthrow the hopelessness of the world

sometimes what a celebrity says has the most meaning

is really just a faster way to a bad ending

sometimes those who the world considers as nothing

are the only ones with anything worth learning

sometimes the darkest days

are just the point where brighter things begin

what if joy comes when we stop chasing

everything except the way, the truth, and the life that we are so desperately needing