Life = Death - Volume 1 - Poems on Life , Death by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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Fertility. Is what every true brain on this fathomless Universe unrelentingly seeks; in order to blossom into the most invincibly spell binding festoon of ideas; upon which countless more generations ahead could solely run.


Fertility. Is what every true soil on this boundless Universe endlessly seeks; in order to blossom into the most robustly enamoring of fruit and food; wonderfully mollifying the preposterously emaciated stomachs of trillions thereby.


Fertility. Is what every true finger on this limitless Universe unceasingly seeks; in order to blossom into the most fructifying canvases of royally unfettered artistry; brilliantly metamorphosing even the most infinitesimal speck of robotically brutally monotony; into an unimpeachably spotless paradise; thereby.


Fertility. Is what every true sky on this untiring Universe ardently seeks; in order to blossom into the most tantalizingly rhapsodic of clouds; which perennially ensured that planet earth triumphantly bloomed with compassion and not lecherously lamenting drought.


Fertility. Is what every true ocean on this astounding Universe undyingly seeks; in order to blossom into the most quintessential frosty cisterns of salt; upon which profusely relied the taste buds of the entire resplendently living race.


Fertility. Is what every true throat on this effulgent Universe interminably seeks; in order to blossom into the most mellifluously titillating tunes of togetherness; to which every cranny of this remorsefully manipulative planet today; danced in

uninhibitedly vivacious abandon.


Fertility. Is what every true flesh on this timeless Universe infallibly seeks; in order to blossom into the most victorious goose-bumps of insuperable excitement; which blissfully transcended the whiplashes of inexplicable desperation forever and ever and ever.


Fertility. Is what every true eye on this unending Universe constantly seeks; in order to blossom into the most intriguingly bewitching of panoramic fantasy; which inculcated fresh rays of hope into even the most ghastily extinguishing organism on this planet.


Fertility. Is what every true armpit on this inexhaustible Universe tirelessly seeks; in order to blossom into the most euphorically exhilarating droplets of golden sweat; which miraculously transformed all oblivions of profane laziness into perpetually emollient perseverance.


Fertility. Is what every true mother on this optimistic Universe indefatigably seeks; in order to blossom into the most pricelessly impregnable fountains of milk; so that there evolves a formidably fearless and undefeated generation; of the tomorrow.


Fertility. Is what every true man and woman on this majestic Universe unendingly seek; in order to blossom into the most fragrantly blessed chapters of God’s creation; which forever ensured that none could put brakes to the symbiotic proliferation of planet divine.


Fertility. Is what every true mirror on this eternal Universe intransigently seeks; in order to blossom into the most irrefutably unconquerable reflections of honesty; which acted as the sole pivot for gripping the chords of this bounteously

jubilant planet.


Fertility. Is what every true soldier on this inscrutable Universe inextricably seeks; in order to blossom into the most peerlessly blazing Sun of martyrdom; so that countless other innocent civilians could forever sleep in unfettered peace.


Fertility. Is what every true Sun on this unconquerable Universe uncompromisingly seeks; in order to blossom into the most triumphant beams of unprejudiced heroism; which enlightened every pathetically beleaguered space upon this iridescent planet.


Fertility. Is what every true vein on this benign Universe wholeheartedly seeks; in order to blossom into the most impeccably egalitarian and humanitarian droplets of blood; which timelessly amalgamated every speck of the planet into the threads

of unassailably noble brotherhood.


Fertility. Is what every true bee on this Samaritan Universe fervently seeks; in order to blossom into the most unbelievably melodious caverns of honey; which put all wanton consternation in the atmosphere to an eternal rest.


Fertility. Is what every true soul on this ebullient Universe undefeatedly seeks; in order to blossom into the most benevolent ideals of peace; harmony; friendship and humanity; upon which were erected the original foundations of this planet; by the Almighty Lord.


Fertility. Is what every true nostril on this poignant Universe inexorably seeks; in order to blossom into the most inimitably pungent chapters of sparkling life; which paid an wholesomely incorrigible deaf ear;  to the wails of the devil and death.


And Fertility. Is what every true heart on this spectacular Universe incessantly seeks; in order to blossom into the most torrentially Omnipotent Cloudshowers of love; which were the ultimate panacea for every disease and suffering ever thriving on this

impoverished planet.