Life = Death - Volume 1 - Poems on Life , Death by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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Death was the greatest pacifier; after which every thwarted desire of the physical form; wonderfully evaporated and became a mist of celestially everlasting solitude,


Death was the greatest purifier; after which even the most evanescent ounce of the inevitably sinful body; wholesomely dissolved to perennially blend with the holy  natural soil and atmosphere,


Death was the greatest fantasizer; after which each impoverished element of the soul unabashedly fantasized in an infinite directions; without the tiniest of tensions or frustrations of manipulatively castrated life,


Death was the greatest immortalizer; after which every good and Samaritan deed of living being; was idolized and gave strength to existing man to conquer all evil; till times immemorial,


Death was the greatest synthesizer; after which even the most ethereal trace of ghoulish imbalance in the body; settled and whispered in exuberant unison towards every new face of captivating dawn,


Death was the greatest symbolizer; after which each entity became an institution in its very ownself; for whatever good or bad it'd achieved; in the tenure of its otherwise unendingly aspiring life,


Death was the greatest realizer; after which man was able to holistically imbibe his true identity on planet earth; as he unavoidably crumbled like a fence of matchsticks; infront of the Omnipotent Almighty Lord,


Death was the greatest neutralizer; after which even the most invisible insinuation of positivity and negativity; was made articulately same on the plane of sheer and vapid nothingness,


Death was the greatest rationalizer; paving open the way; to the miraculously untiring chapters of bountiful life and extinction; being the most impregnable focal point upon which the Universe rotated,


Death was the greatest nullifier; bringing living kind to absolute ground zero-after it'd achieved the most inimitable of heights; thereby once again inspiring a whole new chapter of rejuvenating existence,


Death was the greatest fortifier; royally melanging every amiable spirit on this earth; into one unassailably epitomizing wall of silence; which not even the fiercest of wars fought on globe could ever pervade,


Death was the greatest womanizer; after which the haplessly divested spirit of worldly life; easily entered and left the most beautiful maidens upon this earth; without  causing the slightest of stir or perceivable scratch,


Death was the greatest desensitizer; after which even the most hideously uncouth bombarding to the physical form; the most inexplicable agony to the heart; seemed like a paradise of poignantly virgin roses,


Death was the greatest socializer; after which endless communities after communities; the greatest of friends and foes; all assembled together to unanimously pray for the peaceful liberation of the soul,


Death was the greatest randomizer; eccentrically selecting a living organism of any shape; size; color; status; age; anytime in its completely and irrefutably  unchallengeable swirl,


Death was the  greatest energizer; suddenly granting those wings of uninhibitedness to the deliriously incarcerated soul; to ebulliently circle round the planet a countless number of times,


Death was the greatest sermonizer; automatically inculcating a boundless values and significance about the chapters of priceless breath and existence; as it timelessly stared down every eyeball; be it newborn or staggeringly old,


Death was the greatest revitalizer; after which the trajectory of enamoring earth witnessed life in its most pristinely effulgent form once again; as the indefatigable imprints of the Omnipresent lord; blossomed in some or the other form of life; once again,


And death was; is and shall ever remain as the greatest Equalizer; after which- the richest and the poorest—the tallest and the shortest—the brightest and the darkest-the strongest and the weakest—the blessed and the maimed—the sighted and the sightless-every single organism of God created with breath on this ever-pervading planet; at last found their true identity as united and one; beneath the deserted and lackluster patch of graveyard soil.