Life = Death - Volume 2 - Poems on Life , Death by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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Be it in the form of the zillion ungainly abuses that blatantly drifted from our mouths; when we got provoked to the most unprecedented limits; for no ostensible reason

or rhyme,


Be it in the form of the zillion innocuous insects that we uncouthly trampled upon; in our relentless quest to reach the absolute apogees of indomitable superiority,


Be it in the form of a zillion morsels of food that we cannibalistically consumed; in order to just transiently placate the insatiable hunger of our brutally

emaciated stomachs,


Be it in the form of a zillion egregiously jinxed curses that we emanated; when the resplendently embellished festoons of luck; weren’t running the slightest our

destined way,


Be it in the form of a zillion slaps that we ruthlessly slashed to our subjugated subordinate mates; for not punctiliously cleaning our unceremoniously dwindling leftovers,


Be it in the form of a zillion nightmares of the mercilessly trumpeting devil; that inhabited virtually every sordidly lonely night; of our impoverished lifetime,


Be it in the form of a zillion droplets of blood that we merrily feasted upon; of which was composed our most tantalizingly succulent meal of robustly marinated chicken,


Be it in the form of a zillion goose-bumps of rapaciously unstoppable desire that crept up on our skins; as we witnessed the most poignantly alluring nakedness of the nubile opposite sex,


Be it in the form of a zillion fragments of sordidly devastating lies that we shrewdly uttered; just in order to save us from the unsparingly penalizing gallows of truth,


Be it in the form of a zillion guffaws of artificiality that we culminated into; just in order to be nefariously christened as a sanctimoniously spurious ingredient of

the chauvinistic high society,


Be it in the form of a zillion dastardly rapes that we fantasized about day and night; just in order to keep  our nimbly peerless bodies in the most supremely invincible spirits,


Be it in the form of a zillion ghastily crucifying battles that we unrelentingly fought; erecting palaces of livid gold and silver; on the foundations of countless an innocent blood,


Be it in the form of a zillion elements of insidious adulteration that we’d unnervingly perpetuated into every quarter of this fathomless Universe; just so that our pockets always and inexhaustibly bulged with mindless prosperity,


Be it in the form of a zillion fiasco political revolutions that we tried to invent; which were just a manifestation of our crazily distorted imagery; and in the treachery of which millions suffered and inexplicably succumbed,


Be it in the form of a zillion consumptions of tawdry liquor and smoke; which we slurped at a speed faster than white light; and after which we sacrilegiously spat on every fraction of celestially venerated mother earth,


Be it in the form of a zillion molecules of whimsical deliriousness that we gave shape to; preposterously deluging every bit of the ecstatically vibrant atmosphere; with the unforgivable stench of the plundering diabolical,


Be it in the form of a zillion kicks that we gave to all those infirm; blind; maimed; poor; orphaned ..etc; blasphemously using them as invisible pulleys to transport us to the destination of our sadistic choice,


Be it in the form of a zillion children that we gave birth to and then left to tirelessly beg on the obliviously dusty streets; just in order to appease the desire of our satanic flesh; in the first place,


Be it in the form of a zillion betrayals that we permeated and underwent in the tenure of our entire lifetime; miserably shattering the immortally compassionate hearts of innumerable organisms; pricelessly existing on this spell-bindingly rhapsodic planet,


O! yes; it could be in any infinite form; size; shape; color; intensity; but one thing’s irrefutably sure; certified; irrevocable and unstoppable; that there’s an unabashed animal in each one of us.