Life = Death - Volume 2 - Poems on Life , Death by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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I didn’t want to be like the best ocean on this Universe; unrelentingly kissing nothing else but the gloriously pristine shores,


I didn’t want to be like the best mountain on this Universe; unassailably towering like an unflinching citadel; even in the most hedonistically acrimonious of maelstroms,


I didn’t want to be like the best forest on this Universe; mystically swishing to the exuberantly enigmatic winds of time; all night and beautiful day,


I didn’t want to be like the best pearl on this Universe; unconquerably enthralling even the most treacherously alien; with my resplendently majestic shimmer and shine,


I didn’t want to be like the best statue on this Universe; indefatigably having a gargantuan battalion of impeccable devotees; flocking my feet in humble obeisance and perennially round the clock,


I didn’t want to be like the best flower on this Universe; unbelievably pacifying even the most horrendously unlimited trace of pain; with my stupendously royal scent,


I didn’t want to be like the best cloud on this Universe; perpetually deluging every disconcertingly bereaved cranny of parched earth; with my exotically tantalizing raindrops,


I didn’t want to be like the best watch on this Universe; nonplussing even

the most astonishingly ingenious of organisms with my timelessly ticking and

invincible perfection,


I didn’t want to be like the best dwelling on this Universe; assimilating

even the most infinitesimally insipid beauty of this romantically panoramic planet; in my blissfully compassionate swirl,


I didn’t want to be like the best artist on this Universe; miraculously churning an unfathomable ocean of godliness; even in the most inanely pulverized scrap of impoverished paper,


I didn’t want to be like the best philosopher on this Universe; with even the most indomitable of superpowers bowing down like flaccid mice; on my incongruously bohemian feet,


I didn’t want to be like the best bird on this Universe; magically sailing like an impregnable prince through even portions above azure sky; stooping down with extraordinarily nonchalant ease; to pluck at the fish of my choice,

I didn’t want to be like the best clown on this Universe; perpetuating even the most drearily dying entity; to fulminate into a cloudburst of enchantingly newborn laughter,


I didn’t want to be like the best prodigy on this Universe; perpetually shutting the mouths of every single entity elder to me with my uncannily inimitable charisma; and right since the very first cry of my life,


I didn’t want to be like the best adventurer on this Universe; intrepidly singing  through an indefatigable number of arcane twists and turns; fearlessly snoozing with the snakes all throughout the heart of iridescently twinkling midnight,


I didn’t want to be like the best lover on this Universe; altruistically sacrificing my infinite lives and breath; for the person I so impregnably cherished and loved,


I didn’t want to be like the best fragrance on this Universe; incredulously

titillating one and all handsomely alike; with my eternally spell binding scent,


I didn’t want to be like the best luminary on this Universe; perennially

radiating and marvelously serenaded; by unshakable cynosure; cynosure and just relentless cynosure,


I just wanted to be myself; I just wanted to be the human I was destined to

be; For in the first case no entity tangible or intangible; no organism or

human on this planet could ever be or ever dream of being the best; as the “ Best” would perpetually remain the Almighty Lord who had created them all,


All of them as a holistically symbiotic institutions in themselves; blissfully proliferating the mantra’s of his sacrosanct existence; but still ethereally infinitesimal molecules when compared to his Omnipotent stature; as HE was the only ULTIMATE; the only BEST OF THE BEST OF THE INFINITE BEST.