Life = Death - Volume 7 - Poems on Life , Death by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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I wanted people to recognize me as a poet penning down volumes of mystical verse; not as a mundane businessman,


I wanted people to recognize me as true perspiration trickling in the Sun; not as the sleazy bottle of artificial scent,


I wanted people to recognize me as bare skin battling all seasons; not as gaudy cloth camouflaging every part of my demeanor,


I wanted people to recognize me as crystalline water cascading down the pristine slopes; not as obnoxious whisky bubbling gently in the barrels,


I wanted people to recognize me as raw power of muscle; not as radiating boxing gloves fitted snugly to my palms,


I wanted people to recognize me as milk naturally oozing from the cow; not as chunks of pallid ice-cream stored in the refrigerator,


I wanted people to recognize me as a ray of sun in the cosmos; not as bombastic gleam of the bulb piercing effeminately through the night,


I wanted people to recognize me as original hoarse voice; not as shrill tunes diffusing over the silver coated mike,


I wanted people to recognize me as impeccable eyes; not as slinky tint of Sunglasses blended with a myriad of beastly designs,


I wanted people to recognize me as a soldier; not as a parasitic leech suckling fodder from the rosy tree,


I wanted people to recognize me as a dreamy yawn fantasizing unrelentingly; not as matchbox steps leading to the corporate office,


I wanted people to recognize me as a stalk of grass with glistening dew drops; not as ghastly spray of fertilizer causing animate to perish in vicinity,


I wanted people to recognize me as wild undergrowths of the valley; not as the glittering castle carved out of polished sandstone,


I wanted people to recognize me as choppy waves of the ocean; not as disdainful ringing of the alarm clock at dawn,


I wanted people to recognize me as a nostalgic philanderer; not as the broker manipulating intricacies of the stock market,


I wanted people to recognize me as a vivacious rainbow draping the velvety sky; not as flickering lights of the modern disco,


I wanted people to recognize me a scarlet cluster of sensuous grapes; not as the meticulous array of white spoons and forks,


I wanted people to recognize me as my mothers son; not as a towering

entity garlanded with flowers,


And I wanted the world to recognize me as individual burning every second in

the blazing inferno of love; not as a cupid arranging marriages for couples

based on their horoscopes, caste and creed.