Life = Death - Volume 7 - Poems on Life , Death by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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You may have washed your hands; cleaning them scrupulously of the most invisible of stain,

But what about the blood adhering to your heart; the several innocent whom you had beheaded without any rhyme or reason?


You may have eaten stupendously sizzling slices of mutton; masticating the morsels after blending them with handsome salt,

But what about the goat mother who bleated incessantly; after losing her only son, the only flesh she had delivered facing the grueling agony of long months?


You may have laughed the loudest in the crowd; propagating the same infectiously

in pedestrians around you,

But what about the old man; who had to trip his footing in a slush of dirty sewage water; in order to cause you to smile?


You may have dressed in the most glamorous of coat and trousers; sprinkling your entire demeanor with an ocean of passionate scent,

But what about those tyrannized sheep who were left shivering in bizarre cold; after you uncouthly stripped their skins of their natural protection?


You may have spoken the most flowery speech on the mike; drawing loads of adulation from all those who were mesmerized by the beautiful essence in the lines,

But what about the writer whom you had incarcerated in the dungeons; after stealing his writing to stand tall and domineering?


You may have driven in the most contemporary of car; with its golden wheels traversing the meandering lanes of the hill like a galloping panther,

But what about the infinite stalks of fresh grass; the innocuous infants wandering around; whom you had trampled indiscriminately in your insatiable march towards victory?


You may have drunk cartons full of mineral water; quenching your thirst under the scorching sun of midday,

But what about those people reeling under severe drought; whose wells you had emptied to tingle the food in your stomach?


You may have lived for a 100 years; surviving on the most conventional of medicine and steroids,

But what about those innocent whom you had slaved; in order to clean every iota of dirt you spat on this earth?


And you may have loved; imprisoning every girl you set your eyes on with the

power of your wealth,

But what about all those billion lives you had assassinated; in order to satisfy

each desire of yours?