Life = Death - Volume 7 - Poems on Life , Death by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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If I were a ferocious panther the first thing I would do; was devour my prey

with unprecedented relish,

Then sleep in my den in the heart of the jungle cloistered from acrid light; impregnating the atmosphere with my snores. 


If I were an inconspicuous mosquito the first thing I would do; was to extract

parsimonious amounts of blood from supple complexioned flesh,

Then buzz incessantly in vicinity of the eardrum; driving the individual to

the threshold of raw indignation. 


If I were a long legged spider the first thing I would do; was to weave my

silken web with the sticky gel in my belly,

Then patiently wait for innocuous insects to get trapped in; before pulverizing them to succulent pulp. 


If I were a handsome grey lizard the first thing I would do; was to stealthily

pounce on my victim; strangulating it with my coherently synchronized teeth,

Then perching myself in hidden cavities of the tube light; laboriously try and

swallow my sumptuous meal.


If I were an indolent cow grazing on the hills the first thing I would do; was

to munch lush green grass protruding from the soil,

Then spend marathon hours chewing the same; succeeded by an afternoon siesta;

with the sun shining in my eyes.


If I were a preposterously huge elephant wandering through the swampy marshes;

the first thing I would do; was submerge my trunk in water; evacuating colossal amounts of the solvent,

Then sprinkling the same with equanimity and brute power; on all animals in

the surrounding.


If I were a disdainfully colored cockroach the first thing I would do; was to

swish my tentacles rampantly in exuberance,

Then cling as tightly as possible to inner seams of the lavatory seat; waiting

for dawn to descend in utter exasperation.


If I were a enchanting cuckoo the first thing I would do; was to adroitly flex

vocal chords deep down in my throat,

Inundating the ambience with melodious music; profoundly enjoying the

aftermath of the same.


If I were a heinous criminal the first thing I would do; was to sabotage prime


Stripping the overwhelmingly rich of their affluence; philandering all throughout the night under sleazy lights of the blaring discotheque.


If I were a normal human being the first thing I would do; was to find the

inevitable love of my life,

Incarcerate the same for the remaining time till I breathed air; dedicate my

entire time towards protection of her being.


And If I were the omniscient Creator the first thing I would do; was to annihilate all poverty and suffering,

Make sure that all those living continued to live in perpetual contentment; for decades immemorial.