Life = Death - Volume 7 - Poems on Life , Death by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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The raw material required for growing a foliated tree; was its inconspicuous

little seeds,


The raw material required for building a magnificent palace; was a plethora of

baked bricks and finely pulverized sand,


The raw material required for forming the sky; was a blend of black and immaculate white clouds,


The raw material required for making a computer; was a conglomerate of contemporary chips with a host of sophisticated software,


The raw material required for forming the mammoth ocean; was astronomical

amounts of salt water,


The raw material required for preparing appetizing curd; was decayed and left

over remains of bitter milk,


The raw material required to fire a hollow nozzle gun; was a grey bullet; that

flew at electric speeds after swiftly releasing the trigger,


The raw material required for digging a well in the stony ground; was a chiseled pickaxe compounded with onerous effort,


The raw material required for riding a bicycle; was dexterous maneuvering of

the same alongwith the skill of fine balance,


The raw material required for writing script; was the slender sculptured fountain pen replete with sapphire ink,


The raw material required for igniting bundled logs of dry wood; was a minuscule and lead coated matchstick,


The raw material required for cautioning against unscrupulous burglars; was a

contemporary alarm bell,


The raw material required for soaring high in the air abreast of the hovering

clouds; was a pair of strong and robust wings,


The raw material required to compose a poem; was a jugglery of intricate

words; alongwith perfect synchronization of rhyme,


The raw material required to smile; was twin pairs of lips opening partially; radiating loads of compassionate warmth,


The raw material required for spreading rampant riots; was baseless communalism,


The raw material required for propagating corruption; was power hungry leaders

adroitly manipulating innocuous people,


The raw material required for impregnating fear; was merciless torture of the

deprived; incessant tormenting of the underprivileged,


The raw material required for dying; was forcible closure of the nostrils;

succeeded by abrupt failure of the heart,


And the raw material required for blissfully living; was unrelentingly caring

for our dear ones; diligently praying to the deity we believe; patronizing universally the essence of philanthropic love.