Life = Death - Volume 8 - Poems on Life , Death by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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You might be having the most powerful arms on this Universe; harboring Herculean strength in their formidable biceps,

But what use were they when you utilized them to indiscriminately trample the innocent; instead of  defending your fellow comrades withering towards the

tenterhooks of absolutely despicable extinction ?


You might be having the most mesmerizing eyes in this Universe; majestically shimmering under profuselygolden rays of the Sun,

But what use were they when you utilized them to sight and blend with the evil; instead of helping innocent beings when hell rained down severely upon their

spotless countenance ?


You might be having the most magnificent smiles on this Universe; blossoming into a festoon of stupendous grandiloquence; as the moon cast its resplendence on mundane mud,

But what use were they when you utilized them to appease the hideously manipulative; instead of embracing orphaned children; trembling without their

parents and benevolent mankind ?


You might be having the most robust complexioned palms in this Universe; impregnated with a myriad of destiny lines which were veritably unconquerable from all sides,

But what use were they when you utilized them to behead immaculate scalps like frigid matchsticks; instead of wiping of the tears from all those mothers; completely shattered and devastated in life ?


You might be having the most talented brain in this Universe; astoundingly remembering even the first alphabet you spoke at birth; even while you about to

relinquish your last breath,

But what use was it; when you utilized it to evolve weapons of deadly destruction; instead of metamorphosing God’s planet once again; into a splendid paradise ?


You might be having the most spell binding voice on this Universe; engendering boundless heads to rivet towards you; the instant you unveiled your mouth,

But what use was it; when you utilized it to uncouthly abuse the old and depriving; instead of soothing the trauma in bereaved hearts with the ingratiating melody in

your sound ?


You might be having the most mystical shadow in this Universe; fluttering like the heavens at the onset of charismatically seductive twilight,

But what use was it; when you utilized it to stealthily creep and strangulate your impeccably sleeping mates; instead of profoundly enlightening the lives of those brutally drugged with monotonous malice ?


You might be having the most tenacious conscience on this Universe; absorbing even the unfathomably sinister in your obdurately resilient swirl,

But what use was it; when you utilized it to disseminate tornado’s of ungainly guilt; instead of guiding the despairing world outside towards optimistic light ?


And you might be having the most passionate heart on this Universe; throbbing more ardently than the brilliantly flaming Sun,

But what use was it; when you utilized it satanically to assassinate celestially divine relationships; instead of bonding people of different tribes all across the fathomless continent; with threads of immortal love.?