Life = Death - Volume 8 - Poems on Life , Death by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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You can disdainfully retire a man from his job; but not from his eternal work of creating spell bindingly effulgent newness; on even the most inconspicuous step that he tread,


You can treacherously retire a man from his job; but not from his fathomless festoon of fantasies; which reigned supreme in every cranny of his brain; an infinite centuries even after veritable death,


You can unceremoniously retire a man from his job; but not from his perennial desire to embrace every sensuously enthralling entity on this Universe; discovering his ultimate sublimation in his companion’s compassionate breath,


You can tawdrily retire a man from his job; but not from his unceasing longing to royally replenish every ounce of his body; with the most blissfully fructifying fruits of nature’s creation,


You can parasitically retire a man from his job; but not from his indefatigable yearning to mate with his eternally majestic beloved; witness his seeds spawn

into the most indomitably resplendent fields of an optimistic tomorrow,


You can diabolically retire a man from his job; but not from his most quintessentially ardent instinct; to jubilantly survive amidst a pack of sadistically howling wolves,


You can preposterously retire a man from his job; but not from his uncanny ability to magnetize countless audiences; with his unbelievably enigmatic persona and mellifluously triumphant voice,


You can cynically retire a man from his job; but not from his untamed spirit of timelessly burgeoning adventure; the fervently tantalizing goose-bumps of mystery that cropped up on his skin,


You can horrifically retire a man from his job; but not from his philanthropically synergistic bonding with the boundless planet outside; his unconquerable

melanging with every echelon of inimitably priceless humanity,


You can ignominiously retire a man from his job; but not from the infinite passions that he harbored; towards every evanescent ray of the Sun; towards every beautifully redolent particle of the atmosphere,


You can salaciously retire a man from his job; but not from his irrefutably fearless steps marching towards; the victory of peerlessly unshakable truth over the wantonly terrorizing devil,

You can insouciantly retire a man from his job; but not from his poignant desire to procreate a countless more of his own holistic kind; registering his very best effort at continuing the chapters of Universal existence,


You can tyrannically retire a man from his job; but not from his pricelessly artistic embodiments; all those amorphously inane shapes and forms to which he’d added undefeated color; with his very own blessed palms,


You can unsavorily retire a man from his job; but not from his endless penchant to attain newer and newer heights; in whatever was most emolliently appeasing to

his soul,


You can foolhardily retire a man from his job; but not from his astoundingly unflinching memory; his power to perpetually imbibe even the most ethereal trace of

goodness suspended profusely in the atmosphere,


You can irascibly retire a man from his job; but not from his unendingly righteous perseverance; the unassailably golden sweat that dribbled from his arms; whilst he galloped forward to make this estranged world; once again a better place to live,


You can ruthlessly retire a man from his job; but not from his entrenchment of interminably ameliorating peace; the divinely contentment that naturally flowed

through even the most obsolete of his veins,


You can demonically retire a man from his job; but not from his everlasting yearning to breathe; victoriously inhale an impregnably celestial meadow of breath; each

time his lungs dismally shrunk inside his chest,


And You can baselessly retire a man from his job; but not from his inborn ability to fall in love at any stage of his life; immortally bonding each of beat of his heart with the person he adored; the Omnipotent beloved who granted him an infinite

more lives and lifetimes.