Clouds give birth to tantalizing droplets of rain; pacifying the murderous agony
of scorching desert sands,
Rose gives birth to stupendously ravishing fragrance; casting a spell of unconquerable happiness in those lives; deluged with horrendous despair,
Sun gives birth to magnificently flamboyant rays; filtering a path of profuse optimism in every space; tottering towards helpless extinction,
Soil gives birth to rhapsodic fountains of fruit and water; ensuring that none remained disastrously famished; for centuries immemorial,
Ocean gives birth to tantalizingly tangy globules of salt; inundating drab existence with cloudbursts of spice and insurmountable poignancy,
Stars give birth to an incredulously serene calm; miraculously metamorphosing the complexion of the ghastly night; into one shimmering with milky pearls,
Leaves give birth to exuberantly fluttering breeze; enveloping dreary souls in its ebulliently vociferous swirl; as it merrily whipped by,
Benevolence gives birth to invincible humanity; incessantly reigning as the supreme leader; even as the planet entangled in webs of lechery and salacious malice,
Freedom gives birth to the innermost expression; the mesmerizing fulmination of a persons senses; which propels him to blissfully lead an infinite more lives,
Mother gives birth to the perpetually divine; the immaculately wailing offspring for which; God’s specially descended down from fathomless cosmos to bless,
Truth gives birth to harmonious unity; organisms from all across the unfathomable planet; embracing each other irrespective of prejudice; caste or creed,
Honesty gives birth to intransigent conviction; an astronomical within the most feeble of entities; to catapult to the pinnacle of ultimate success,
Fantasy gives birth to turbulently seductive desire; relentlessly exploring and absorbing the unsurpassable beauty lingering on this planet,
Perseverance gives birth to glorious rays of newness; evolving and achieving even the most inconspicuous of your philanthropic dream; as golden perspiration trickled under the sweltering Sun,
Faith gives birth to the incomprehensibly unbelievable; with man successfully shooting to the summit of the impossible; uttering the name of the entity he adored,
Conscience gives birth to irrefutable righteousness; which the even the entire wealth on this spuriously bombastic world; miserably failed to purchase,
Eyes give birth to profoundly caressing empathy; wholeheartedly commiserating and bonding; with even the most remotest of alien in devastating pain,
Love gives birth to indispensably precious survival; the everlasting spirit to celestially exist; beyond ones ordinary time,
And life gives birth to perennial happiness; an unconquerably sacred joy and bliss that makes each birth; exist in symbiotic synergy with the bountifully divine.
The End .