Life = Death - volume 10 - Poems on Life , Death by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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I felt as if every ounce of hysterical sorrow on this Universe had suddenly metamorphosed into the perennially glorious waterfalls of compassion; dissipating their goodness upon each bedraggled pore of my existence,


I felt as if the most horrendously parasitic of leech had suddenly started to donate an infinite granaries of blood to all those in need; abruptly shrugging the parasitic tag from each conceivable cranny of their demeanor,


I felt as if a boundless clouds of newness had suddenly formed an invincible entrenchment around every iota of earth; blessing its haplessly parched and commercially adulterated surface with a zillion droplets of creation,


I felt as if each inanely stagnating hair on my decrepit flesh suddenly rose towards the ultimate summits of undefeated paradise; and forever found its zealously real mission in life,


I felt as if each iota of contentment on this fathomless Universe was suddenly lined up on the contours of my miserably chapped lips; making me look forward to no greed or malice any further,


I felt as if  a brilliantly streaming morning was suddenly rising out of treacherously maiming blackness; triumphantly maneuvering every devastated footstep of mine towards the path of symbiotic oneness,


I felt as if even the most frigidly orphaned of stones had suddenly become the supreme peaks of unassailable Everest; inviting one and all alike on this enthralling planet in the spirit of tantalizing adventure,


I felt as if even the most fetidly lamenting droplet of my sweat had suddenly become the most unparalleled cistern of happiness; profusely drenching each scorched arena of my existence with cloudbursts of ecstasy,


I felt as if each vein in my inconsolably cringing blood had suddenly commenced to generate a countless electric currents of goodness  all throughout my soul; absolving me of even the most inadvertently committed of my sin,


I felt as if the whole manipulatively blood-sucking world had suddenly become my platform for impregnable success; to discover; to evolve; to admire; and to forever embrace with the blessings of the Almighty Lord,


I felt as if every worthlessly aimless step that I listlessly took- had suddenly some priceless purpose in god's infinite chapter of blissful creation; to immortally unite all in the fabric of insuperable oneness,


I felt as if every disdainfully creaking bone of mine had suddenly sprung like an untamed tiger; to inexhaustibly massacre even the most intangible trace of devil from this endless earth,


I felt as if every spell-bindingly panoramic fantasy on this globe had suddenly come into the whites of my eyes; royally perpetuating me to perceive beyond the extraordinary—each unveiling instant of princely life,


I felt as if every patch of languidly barren earth had suddenly become the ultimate heaven; the ultimate paradise; right infront of my eyes and without laboring a step further on planet divine,



I felt as if I could suddenly survive on limitless whiffs of air around me; abjuring every worldly pleasure in vicinity till my very last breath; with the Omnipotent light of the Sun and Moon my sole saviors,


I felt as if even the most mundanely committed actions around me—had suddenly become miraculously ameliorating poems of the most unprecedented degree; and my sole panacea for success,


I felt as if the brutally entangled labyrinths of my brain- had suddenly unleashed into an unsurpassable sky of freedom; where the only rule that existed was that there were not the tiniest of 'rules',


I felt as if each of my salaciously betrayed heartbeat-had suddenly been embodied with the imprints of immortal friendship; which made me rise from my veritable corpse- to lead an infinite majestically new lives once again,


Everytime; O! Yes undoubtedly everytime; after I made; embraced and rose in

the spirit of love.