Life = Death - volume 10 - Poems on Life , Death by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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Be it belonging to the infinitesimally irate ant; who traversed an infinite steps in its journey from the bottom of the majestic dinner table; to its tantalizingly steaming top,


Be it belonging to the stoically invincible Everest; which stood with its head high as the lone unflinchingly exuberant warrior; even as the entire planet beside was dissolving into the mortuaries of hopelessness,


Be it belonging to the measly disheveled mushroom; frenetically staggering with each draught of fresh air; trying to solidly emboss its very own place in the languid bits of mud circumscribing it,


Be it belonging to the wondrously tangy wave; dissipating into an unparalleled festoon of royal froth; triggering an inevitable smile on every bygone face, after clashing against the seductive black rocks,


Be it belonging to the voluptuously crimson thundercloud; which craved and craved and unstoppably craved for its time; to melt into a boundless droplets of everlastingly mollifying rain,


Be it belonging to the incongruously bohemian barking dog; who uncontrollably growled nineteen to the dozen even in ghastly midnight; until its voice was eventually heard by its callous master,


Be it belonging to the perennially flowering tree; which blossomed into umpteenth a dazzling leaf every now and again; and whose each minuscule root had entrapped in it; the hidden enigmas of a time before time was pragmatically born,


Be it belonging to the diminutively impoverished cubicle of stray ice; trembling an infinite times every unfurling instant; in anticipation of its worst enemy the "Sun" blazing out; and forever pulverizing the chapter of its existence beyond its livid grave,


Be it belonging to the indiscriminately behemoth dinosaur; for whom everything else on earth was a maudlin buffoonery of time; as it toyed with all creation in the center of its palm; till its last breath destined,


Be it belonging to the insignificantly tiny shell lying astray on the skewed shores; fighting left; right and center for its very existence; even as each gigantic wave inexorably tried to drown to the rock bottom of the sea,


Be it belonging to the vivaciously dancing peacock; which spread its romantic plumage full throttle in anticipation of its dream mate; with the very first showers of ravishingly golden rain,


Be it belonging to the obnoxiously fetid cockroach; spending an infinite of its lives fretfully meandering round the disdainful lavatory seat; an indescribable miles far away from the freshness of rising Sunlight,


Be it belonging to the raunchily descending bat; searching for every conceivable prey of its blindfolded; since its very first cry of morosely blackened and topsy-turvy hackneyed life,


Be it belonging to most impoverished ingredient of the atmosphere; swept to its non-existent grave every second by the slightest puff of wind; and then found floating again in some indecipherable part of the fathomless Universe,


Be it belonging to the very last brick in the boundlessly deep foundation; which timelessly winced in unheard pain; an intransigently agonizing scream which fell on deaf ears and with only the darkness around it as its lone companion,


Be it belonging to the pinch of vapid dust; which either got ruthlessly swept; heartlessly trampled; ludicrously blown; condemningly spat upon; by every cold-blooded stroke of unsparing destiny,


Be it belonging to the velvety blade of emerald grass; which perennially romanced in the aisles of untamed desire; with each droplet of mesmerizing golden dew,


Be it belonging to the evanescent entrenchment of the parsimonious horizons; which try as hard as they could; but were never successful in salvaging their own identity; amidst the day; afternoon and wild night,


Be it belonging to the incongruously babbling eunuch; stretching to every threshold of raucously unimaginable obscenity; in order to evict those quintessential bundles of currency from the spurious society outside,


O! Yes, be it belonging to conceivably anyone on this tirelessly ingratiating earth; every palpitating  heart has; is; and shall forever remain an unconquerably  "Deep Ocean of secrets".