Love Versus Terrorism – Poems on Anti Terror , Peace , Love , Brotherhood – Part 2 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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I might be currently in hapless shreds; without even the most diminutive coin of currency in my inconspicuously bedraggled pockets,

But as long as I had the jewel of priceless hope in my soul; I reserved the insurmountable tenacity to metamorphose every iota of pain into a paradise of unfettered happiness; as my inevitably destined moment wholeheartedly descended from the lap of  the Omnipotent Lord Almighty.


I might be currently begging discordantly on the stony streets; without even a strand of infinitesimal saliva to mellifluously tingle my bereaved throat,

But as long as I had the Sun of optimistic hope in my soul; I reserved the indomitable power to overtopple even the most mightiest of cannibalistic parasites; as my inevitably destined moment wholeheartedly descended from the lap of the bountiful Lord Almighty.


I might be currently feeding myself on frigid shit from the dustbin cover; without a feather of integrity of my own; as the world relentlessly lambasted my timidly trembling skin,

But as long as I had the star of resplendent hope in my soul; I reserved the Herculean prowess of soaring to the ultimate pinnacles of blazing success; as my inevitably destined moment wholeheartedly descended from the lap of the  inimitable Lord Almighty.


I might be currently exhaling each breath of mine in the traumatically beleaguered gutter pipe; without even the most mercurial strength left in my miserably bloodstained lips; to wholeheartedly smile,

But as long as I had the flower of fragrant hope in my soul; I reserved the invincible dexterity to spawn into a sky of unfathomably exhilarating newness; as my inevitably destined moment wholeheartedly descended from the lap of the  Omnipresent Lord Almighty.


I might be currently staring meaninglessly into orphaned patches of azure sky; without a single roof over my head; to sequester me from acrimoniously truculent storm and rain,

But as long as I had the sea of tangy hope in my soul; I reserved the uncanny mysticism to timelessly charm even the most lugubriously livid particle of the atmosphere; as my inevitably destined moment wholeheartedly descended from the lap of the unassailable Lord Almighty.


I might be currently yawning in supremely fretful nonchalance; without the slightest of cynosure and  glitterati; and with the most venomously lethal mosquitoes hovering around my hopelessly deserted skin,

But as long as I had the garland of ingratiating hope in my soul; I reserved the profound exuberance to convert even the most bizarrely impossible into the sky of impregnable success; as my inevitably destined moment wholeheartedly descended from the lap of  the Omniscient Lord Almighty.


I might be currently emaciating with a zillion thorns of brutal dishonesty being treacherously plundered into my intestines; and without the minutest trace of dawn in my every unforgivingly imprisoning night,

But as long as I had the rainbow of pristine hope in my soul; I reserved the untamed ebullience to bare-footedly adventure into the most fathomless crannies of this enchanting Universe; as my inevitably destined moment wholeheartedly descended from the lap of the ever- pervading Lord Almighty.


I might be currently unemployed at all quarters; without the empathy of a single organism on this boundlessly enamoring Universe,

But as long as I had the spirit of sacred hope in my soul; I reserved the infallible energy to blaze into an infinite philanthropically enlightening tomorrows; as my inevitably destined moment wholeheartedly descended from the lap of the miraculous Lord Almighty.


And I might be currently devastated and torturously ripped apart in every aspect of my life; without any ingredient of this Universe getting stirred by the unstoppable beating of my impoverished heart,

But as long as I had the fortress of perpetual hope in my soul; I reserved the uninhibited magnetism to fall into the oceans of immortally gratifying love; as my inevitably destined moment wholeheartedly descended from the lap of unchallengeable Lord Almighty.