Love Versus Terrorism – Poems on Anti Terror , Peace , Love , Brotherhood – Part 2 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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There’s a sweet little child in all of us; come lets wholeheartedly allow it to majestically blossom till the pinnacle of resplendently ingratiating prosperity,


There’s a mesmerizing little child in all of us; come lets wholeheartedly allow it to evolve into an unfathomably compassionate gorge of friendship; as tangy as the rhapsodically ebullient oceans,


There’s an enchanting little child in all of us; come lets wholeheartedly allow it to marvelously burgeon till times beyond iridescent eternity; and enthuse even the most obfuscatedly alien of our times,


There’s a euphoric little child in all of us; come lets wholeheartedly allow it to spawn like an insatiably fragrant flower of gorgeous companionship; as the Sun blazed vibrantly from behind the mellifluous hills,


There’s a poignant little child in all of us; come lets wholeheartedly allow it to enthrall even the mostobsoletely dithering nerves in our beleaguered bodies; to the most stupendously unprecedented limits,


There’s a jubilant little child in all of us; come lets wholeheartedly allow it to ingratiatingly gallop to kiss the epitome of dazzling timelessness; and for centuries immemorial,


There’s a victorious little child in all of us; come lets wholeheartedly allow it to Omnipotently transcend; over the pernicious precipices of our disastrously  dwindling derogatorily manipulative souls,


There’s an innocuous little child in all of us; come lets wholeheartedly allow it to profoundly rejuvenate our bizarrely estranged senses; with the vivaciously  sacrosanct tonic of life,


There’s an embellished little child in all of us; come lets wholeheartedly allow it to majestically drape our insipidly feckless deliriousness; with cisterns of unsurpassable sensuousness,


There’s a fantastic little child in all of us; come lets wholeheartedly allow it to irrefutably overshadow our disparagingly deteriorating gloom; with fountains of timeless happiness,


There’s an intriguing little child in all of us; come lets wholeheartedly allow it to invincibly sequester us in its bountiful swirl; fathomless kilometers away from the mortuary of inexplicable despair,


There’s an ecstatic little child in all of us; come lets wholeheartedly allow it to Omnisciently overpower our insurmountable battalion of idiosyncrasies; with the its magical ointment of godly freshness,


There’s a spell binding little child in all of us; come lets wholeheartedly allow it to encapsulate us in its panoramically vivid embrace; bless every aspect of our haplessly shattered existence; with the gorgeously fructifying elixir of life,


There’s an eclectic little child in all of us; come lets wholeheartedly allow it to weave the unconquerable spell of its royal artistry; upon our monotonously delinquent life,


There’s a sacrosanct little child in all of us; come lets wholeheartedly allow it to magnanimously bless our ominously extradited rhythm; with its benevolently humanitarian beats,


There’s a sparkling little child in all of us; come lets wholeheartedly allow it to miraculously cleanse all our dastardly cloistered dirt; with its heaven of fathomless righteousness,


There’s a melodious little child in all of us; come lets wholeheartedly allow it to annihilate even the most mercurial trace of prejudiced paradoxism in our blood; with its tunes of celestially unassailable truth,


There’s a beautiful little child in all of us; come lets wholeheartedly allow it to enshroud us with philanthropic graciousness; insuperably conquering the cry of the ungainly devil with the winds of perennially uninhibited freedom,


There’s a mystical little child in all of us; come lets wholeheartedly allow it to everlastingly stupefy us with an entrenchment of impregnable newness; with the limitless enthuse of its pristine eyes,


And there’s an exhilarating little child in all of us; come lets wholeheartedly allow it to inundate the song of immortal love; in our forlornly disbelieving  and satanically fretful lives.