Messages of Light and Love by Donna Solitario - HTML preview

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The Lake of Fallen Tears


The lake of fallen tears

Smells like misty dew in the air

It leads to an overflow of deep emotions

With thoughts and torn feelings left unspoken

While it cries out to be heard

Whispers of the heart are tragically absurd

A magic potions slows down the anticipated overflow

As the Lake’s tears beg for mercy to the unknown

A lonely tattered soul

Reaches out in a desperate search

For tears that disappeared from the Earth

A river joins in on the anticipation

Streams of tears are suffocating

With soft waves approaching the shore

An ocean breeze sweeps away tears and feelings that were once ignored

Captivating waterfalls sweep away all of the fallen tears

Shedding hope and light while twirling around old fears

An old treasure chest of awakened love takes over for a moment in time

Leaving no trace of its existence behind

Acceptance guides tears with a bright white light

Tucking them safely away from their strength and might

As the tide rushes in, the Lake of fallen tears goes back to its natural state

As tears turn to water with a clean slate

A soul begins to heal and elegantly let’s go

While dreaming of a pool of satin rain water that flows

Leading the heart and soul

To a cleansing from the Lake of fallen tears

Sailing away from younger and painful years

Bringing on new memories of gentle love and good cheer for future years