Mirrored Minds: A Thousand Years of Korean Verse​ by 9788993360486 - HTML preview

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The Market Was Over

Neighbor’s faces are the poor man’s fun.

When we stood outside the barber shop with melons to peel

or sat in a stall with makkolli to swill,

we were friend faces all

talking about the drought in the South,

about debts in the co-op.

Why was it that a rhythm toe-tapped

to the pill-peddler’s guitar always

turned thoughts longingly to Seoul?

Go in somewhere for a hand of cards?

Empty our pockets for a trip to the girlie-house?

We gathered in the school yard; drank soju with strips of squid.

The long summer sun dipped;

rubber shoes in our hands or yellow corvina,

we trudged the bright moonlit track home:

the market was over.