My Inked Views by Kundai Pfumayaramba - HTML preview

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Alone in the Dark


She walks in her God gifted soles
She has suffered numerous blows
Her life a true reflection of a house of sorrows
Those perfidious wolfs garbed in sheep’s sartorial skulk around her
Gifts and dosh they shower her
All they want is to sink their canines into her
She reminisces what her mother told her on her death bed,
To elude such brutes
Her mother capitulated to her ailments,
May her dear soul rest in peace
She warms up a leftover food piece
Ravenousness relatives seize all the property
Injected into a dog eat dog suburb
She vows never to fall for their saccharine tongues
Years on she traverses home with her cap of knowledge
A stray bullet strikes her cranium
Slaying and butchery are the mainstays in the new millennium
Innocent lives are wasted in this epoch
A great stark in contrast to the times of Enoch
She lays alone in the dark