My Inked Views by Kundai Pfumayaramba - HTML preview

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Let me leave it there I will see it tomorrow
Who told you will see tomorrow
For tomorrow is never guaranteed
If you live to see tomorrow
Be rest assured it is the most congested day of your life
With all the procrastination bemoaning you.
I have a short but not so short story to tell
It is just as a miniskirt is,
Short enough to steal your attention and long enough to cover the essentials
Without further waffling and further bumbling let me divulge into my story
As I was sitting and in a deep reverie on the stone bench
I heard an unfamiliar but sweet voice coming from behind the hedge
Turning around my heard towards the direction of the voice I felt my blood surge
Gaping lecherously into her hypnotising hazel, almond shaped eyes. I felt the edge
As apathetic as I am, I was going to open this page
The page of courtship, an unknown world to me
Her body as graceful and meticulously built as the Eiffel Tower
In the presence of such a beauty a week seems like an hour
When it comes to courtship I usually cower
But at this particular juncture I feel fearless
She walks closer to me
I can clearly feel her arousing aroma tickle past my nostrils
I just imagine the joys she would give to my life, the unimaginable thrills
She sits next to me on the stone bench
As if my lips are glued together I remain mum,
I plough my head into a paper I am reading
Moving her head majestically towards me,
She greets me
All I can see is the movement of her enticing, luscious lips
I see her striking and curvaceous form, those hips
I am teleported to a distant place, my own utopia
She is my own Nubian Princess from Ethiopia
I am dumb folded, awestruck,
As if the glue has melted I answer
A conversation ensures
I tell myself I will tell her tomorrow what I feel for her
A day turns into a week,
A week into a month,
Months into a year
I never say anything all my intentions remain hidden
For a whole year we become best of best friends
She tells me all her deep thoughts, so do, I
I keep postponing telling her my true intentions
One day she tells me a guy courted her and she said yes to him
This almost shutters my heart
Six months later she is walking down the aisle
In my heart I know she will no longer be part of my life file
I always saw us marrying naming our first child Kyle
If only I had not dragged my feet
Maybe If I had told her my true feelings
She would had accepted me as a lover not as a brother
I could had been her better half
Only if I had not acted daft
I shall life forever without knowing what would had happened if had acted differently
She was the one that got away
A true life changing consequence of procrastination