My Inked Views by Kundai Pfumayaramba - HTML preview

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Rumblings in the Jungle


I can hear rumblings in the jungle
The lion proclaims his voice to be the loudest
Therefore is the king
The tortoise proclaims that he is the oldest
Thus the wisest of them all
The elephant proclaims he is the largest
Thus he is the strongest of them all
This is a jungle like no other
Where trees and vegetation have been replaced by concrete and blood
Tortoise influence stretches from the south to east
From south of the Bay of Delagoa
To the east Arabian sea state of Goa
From a small isolated area
Spared from obliteration by spitfires and hurricanes
The tortoise runs supreme
The tortoise was not always a tortoise
In his heyday he was sly as a fox and strong as a hippo
Legendary myths form the past of the tortoise
Tales of a tortoise slaying a dragon
Tales of tortoise king conquering Aragon
Centuries before the lion was humiliated in Saigon
Those days the tortoise reigned in the jungle
I can hear echoes of discontent in the jungle
Rumblings threaten to destroy the jungle
The lion rules the jungle from a city made of Apple
The lion deludes the little worms that green is purple
It’s a union like non-other
The lion and tortoise are fidus achates
The lion strikes fear in the mind of the weak
The laws of the jungle are twisted and inconsistent
The lion can hunt the zebra
But the zebra can’t hunt down the lion
The lion proclaims he is the king of Zion
The elephant hails from the land of the biggest cats
A place where the cold reigns supreme
The elephant is always in constant battle with the lion
Skirmishes always result
Each create a concoction to poison one another
Once upon a time the whole jungle was almost poisoned
The jungle is a divided place
I can hear rumblings in the jungle
West of the land of the rising sun,
A pup has grown into a wolf
The wolf rushes along in sheep’s clothing
It is the little worms who suffer the slyness of the wolf
The wolf takes from Paul to give to Peter
The little worms suffer in the cold winter
The jungle is unsettled
In time a far more superior will rise
He will be like a liger
A combination of the lion and the tiger
Hundred times more frightening than the lion
The liger will reign supreme
He will dish melancholy after melancholy
He will rule from the top of the balcony
The liger will be el supremo
He will rise from the rumblings
As I stand in the blood filled jungle
I can hear rumblings
There are rumblings in the jungle
Rumblings in the jungle echo out