My Inked Views by Kundai Pfumayaramba - HTML preview

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Thirteen and young


He is thirteen and young
In their minds his a vessel-less gong
He goofs around and likes King Kong
To them he aren’t wise to be at stock in Hong Kong
They say he is better off with a bong
Less do they know his mental intellect is strong
In their thoughts young is wrong
Age is directly proportional to wisdom
But is that true in this kingdom
Mathematically ten is fewer than fifty
In truth age is not wine
Fifty doesn’t show great mental spine
Ten doesn’t mean weak
Wisdom with age
At ten you shout
At fifty you speak
But it’s just another mis-quantified notion of society
Life begins at forty they say
Perceived young ignoramus is society’s cost
Age value to gain but it’s wisdom which is lost
They will listen to a dipsomaniac fifty giving a toast
But won’t listen to a ten saving them from being roast
In the end he is thirteen and young