My Inked Views by Kundai Pfumayaramba - HTML preview

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The issue about race is something that is close to my heart. Growing up in post-colonial Zimbabwe I have not faced racism but that can’t be said for all black people growing up in predominately white communities or in some instances it maybe vice versa, whites in a predominately black community. Racism is not a one way affliction. As much as there are white racist. There is also a growing group of black racists just waiting to take revenge for past misgivings. I sympathise with neither of these blood thirsty groups. From the Ku Klux Klan to the Black Panthers I identify with none. Once a racist always a racist. You can place a ban put fines on racist but you can never suppress that racist nature in them. You can take a horse to the water hole but you can’t make it drink. The best solution to root out racism is to instil into the young and uncorrupted mind irrespective of race that a man is not defined by the colour of their skin but by the nature of his actions. I don’t want blacks to be chosen out of sympathy by a quota but because of merit. Blacks are smart enough to earn a position based on their wits and not their colour. Drawing inspiration from the one thing that has perturbed me live long. Why do we have different dyes? Is it because of geographical conditioning or purely it’s just a distinguishing mark between the progressive coterie and the regressive coterie. This two questions have formed the basis of my thought process in coming up with these inked words. With all the anger and animosity it is just a matter of time before a full blown out racial war erupts.