My Inked Views by Kundai Pfumayaramba - HTML preview

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Everything in life seems to be in black and white,
it may not be as clear as in the 60s,
where racism was and its height
why must everything always be defined along racial lines?
I am sick and tired of black and white spite
Let us all unite
we must all desist from these colour bar
The labelling must stop, it has gone too far
We must not decide based on skin pigments
On the top of my voice I scream out, “Stop these racial segments”
We must let go of these apartheid elements
My wish is that someone out there echoes my sentiments
Should we always choose based on skin colour?
There is more to a men than the colour
I envision a place where brother black and brother white share humour
Quietly he whispers into a fellow racist’s ear,
“These darkies are dumb”
This is the kind of behaviour which makes me numb
You would think that only whites have racial tendencies
But you will be damned to think so since it’s not the full story
The animosity is two way
I was sitting next to this guy on this particular day in May
He said whites remind him of pink skinned gluttons
Unknowingly he is planting seeds of division
I always have this vision
Where there is no one calling another a glutton or a baboon
Where everything is as clear as a full moon
A situation where things are not seen as black or white
The thought of a white or black racist scares me
Black and white must engage
Stop the racism wear the honour badge
I believe there will be a time when all races will merge
A time when people will not see a black or white image
Racism in all its forms must purge
I can feel the tension around me racial relations are on an edge
Killing and hurting caused by racial tensions are on the verge
Sometimes I wish we were all colour blind
I wish that at our births colour is erased from the mind
As thoughtless and meaningless as my thoughts are, these are my wishes