My Inked Views by Kundai Pfumayaramba - HTML preview

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I always ask myself am I a form of an unevolved species of hominid
It seems as If people of my colour are always in need
Are we that inferior we always follow they lead
I feel the wretchedness, throbbing of my people, I feel my heart bleed
My forefather was meant to think he was a homo erectus
Their cognisance they said was the same as the wits of a platypus
My forefather was chained and handcuffed and fed food as spikey as cactus
I am not growing a seed of hatred,
I am just asking why people of my colour are so miserable
They rated my I.Q they told me I was a clown
So colour blind thought brown was black, choose not see me as brown
Maybe black people are fated to writhe
For those many injustices all I want to see is retribution
It just feels like people of my dye are second class citizens
Nothing seems to go right, adversity after adversity befalls us
They associated our so called “Blackness” with misfortune and misery
From black sheep, black eye, black death,
Even though the latter wasn’t even caused by people of my colour
Crammed into an inhumane chamber, held like faunae,
Alienated a man from his family
She was a proud Mandinka lady,
They told her name wasn’t Aminata but Emily
Raped her, deflowered this beautiful flame lily
She was forced to leave her home contemporary Senegal
Trodden and manacled by men coming from far north as Gaul
We lived our lives free from bigotry, as embryonic as it was,
They came with the biggest of their ships, told us we were savages
In large hoards their ships came and took us, working for no wages
We were kept under lock and key like lions in cages
As embryonic as were my forefathers, there were no savages,
We welcomed them here with open arms never were they ravaged
All I want is for my people is to have their dignity salvaged
I believe not in leaking blood so that my forefather’s life will be avenged
Maybe we are just a superiorly inferior race.
Superior than animals,
But inferior to the so called “White race”