Naked Leavings by Candice James - HTML preview

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Candice James

Copyright 2009


I left where I found myself and

Travelled further toward the truth,

Forsaking diamonds and burdens

Of worth belonging to someone else.

The creaking of the winds whispered,

Caught my attention and shackled

My wrists to this trip into the unknown.


I felt raindrops but somehow I couldn’t

See them.  They were just beyond my vision.

I languished in the wet burn as the rain

Streaked across my cheeks like invisible

Dulled needles that hurt but don’t cut.

A ghostly stranger crossed my path

And we spoke of many things

And nothing at all.  It filled me up.


Nothing really ever happens by chance.

We just convince ourselves that it does.

I saw so many possibilities wrapped

Inside the impossibilities clawing and

Scratching my itch for their freedom.

Was my reality real or only a quasi portrait

I couldn’t finish?  Was I wielding the brush

Or was I only the result of the brushstroke?


Armed with more questions,

I left where I found myself and

Travelled further toward the truth.

Now I wonder if you ever really wanted to be with me

Or if you just needed to jail the loneliness.

Facing this probability has caused me to lose

All of my beliefs about you, about myself.


All that’s left is my honesty

And, it just isn’t enough.