Naked Leavings by Candice James - HTML preview

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Candice James

Copyright 2009


“Whaddya think about that”?

She said to the dead man in the corner.

He didn’t voice an opinion,

Didn’t bat an eyelid.


The room hung in silence.

She picked up a glass and hurled it

Against the eroded crumbling wall.

It smashed in slow motion.

She waved her fingers and the

Shards of glass restructured

Themselves back into the recognizable

Vessel they had been just moments ago.


“Is this not the story of life”?

She asked the dead man in the corner.

No answer.  The silence was defeaning.


She sauntered over to the desk

And pulled out a revolver.

She walked over to the dead man

In the corner, raised the revolver

Took careful aim and shot him. 


The sound startled him.

He stood up slowly and embraced her.

As he kissed her the curtain fell,

The angels sang, God smiled

And the universe applauded.


“Is this not the story of life?”