Naked Leavings by Candice James - HTML preview

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Candice James

Copyright 2010


When the falling away begins,

What was is no more, and, will never be again.


The falling away of leaves from the quivering branch

Not quite ready to let its wayward children

Take their leave goes quite unnoticed

By the bodies waltzing by to a different beat.

The leaves no longer belong to the tree

They have begun their journey to death.

When the falling away begins,

What was is no more, and, will never be again.


The falling away of rock from the mountain it clung to

Has made the mountain over into a lesser statue of itself.

It knows an intricate part of itself is missing.  It will never be what it was before.

Clouds waltzing by to a different beat don’t notice the subtle modification.

The fallen rock no longer belongs to the mountain

It has begun its journey to transformation.

When the falling away begins,

What was is no more, and, will never be again.


The falling away of lovers from each other and their feelings

Is ice chipping away at the spirit.  The pain created from the splitting apart

Is wounded, harnessed and imprisoned

Inside a jail that has no door, has no key.

Angels waltzing by to a different beat notice this aberration of heart and soul.

The lovers no longer belong to each other.

They have begun the dance of destruction.

When the falling away begins

What was is no more, and. will never be again.


On days like these when love haunts me

I need the falling away to begin.

I long to lounge in a peaceful easy feeling

Where I can visualize pale Chinese Pagodas

Nestled amongst a grove of birch trees.

I long to find myself inside this image

Waltzing on a warm cavalier breeze.

When the falling away begins,

What was is no more, and, will never be again.