Naked Leavings by Candice James - HTML preview

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Candice James

Copyright 2010


Love is like virginity. 

When it’s gone it’s gone.

It’s almost like it never was;

No lingering traces of tenderness

Lurking in the corners of the heart;

No more sweet nothings

Perched upon the lips; wings clipped.

Only a foggy dark cemetery

Littered with unreadable tombstones.


Lust is like fire.

When it’s burned out it’s burned out.

It’s almost like it never flamed;

No more fever of the soul

Racing through the mind at breakneck speed;

No more aching in the heart

To touch the flesh of another;

No more desire to become lost

Inside the dreams of the beloved.

Only an empty unattended fireplace

Strewn with ice cold ashes from yesterday.


Heartbreak is like a fatal wound.

When it arrives it is always by surprise.

It’s something you don’t see coming;

Always cloaked in deception

Hiding under the skin of a lie;

Always armed with a sharp knife

To make the heart bleed more profusely;

Never a flesh wound that heals quickly

But a semi murder that leaves a deep scar.


Some things can only be viewed

Through invisible emotions and naked leavings.