Naked Leavings by Candice James - HTML preview

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Candice James

Copyright 2009


Expectations, this side of heaven or hell,

Torture the young, damage the middle aged

And haunt the elderly like a reaper.


Great expectations, aah yes, these are

Something only the brave heart would

Chase or a fool would choose to embrace.

I am yesterday’s fool, brimmed with a

Past shackled to my brave heart.


Small expectations, no matter how tiny,

Are still capable of tremendous fallout.

They harbor fear, anxiety, jealousy,

Anger, hatred, murder without ceremony.

When an unceremonious choke hold is

Seeking approval and distinction in a

Tawdry boxing ring of worn out wrestlers

It’s time to roll up the soiled mat and

Throw out the baby with the bath water.


Who can stand up and say truthfully

“ I who love you so dearly have no

Expectations whatsoever from you.”

Who can stand up and say truthfully

“ I am totally satisfied in every way

To accept whatever time and love

You decide to give to me at any time;

At no time; Sometimes; Never; Ever.”

Who can stand up and say truthfully

“My love is so great, faithful and

Long suffering that I will never leave you,

Not for any reason.  I will endure.”


Who can say these affirmations

And if uttered, who will believe them?


Expectations, great and small,

This is the stuff of nightmares.