Napkins: Rare Poetry and Prose Archives, 1995-2004 by Steve Dustcircle - HTML preview

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Individual (via 2001)


I am me. I am an individual

My friends

I refuse to be called “the MTV Generation”

I refuse to be called a member of “Gen X”

I am an individual that rebukes titles, stereotypes and labels

Am I classified as “individualistic?”

Even this title would place me into yet another group of poseurs

People that try to be different for difference's sake

I am me

I am me, not from the clothing I purchase

To the twisted dreams I dream

I am an individual

I am me

The diverse music I saturate does not define me

The music I detest does not define me

Neither interests nor disinterests make me who I am

Just as well as it doesn't define who I am not

My views on foreign and adjacent

Domestic relations cannot allude to who I am

For who I truly am will never change

Though my worldview may change with the rotation of day

I am me

An individual

One can affect me and attempt to persuade me

And even this cannot affect me and who I am by definition

Can who I am be even defined?

By no means is this possible

I refuse to be considered part of any group

Any title

Any form of classification

I am me

I am an individual

Yet I've taken part in much

I am by no means a “by-product”

I am not one of them

I am not one of you

I am me

I am an individual