Copyright © 2012 by Jacob Osae Amanor. All rights
No part of this publication may be reproduced,
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Published by CreateSpace Publishers. An Amazon
My inspiration to write this book of poetry dates
back from time immemorial. While I was in my
mother’s womb, I was destined for a particular
task on earth. And through my journey here on
this earth, I have come to learn that the
capabilities and the gift possessed by a person is
a validation that one has a purpose in this life.
We are all unique in different own ways, but how
do we discover how this uniqueness defines us?
Like trying to define this impeccable and
enigmatic world we are able to discover more of
ourselves. Discovering myself as a writer, was the
least expected dream, but now I live it not a
dream but rather a reality. And now as a writer, I
will continue to discharge the duties that this gift I possess have delivered to me.
Finally, I like to say that this book is a series of poetries I have written from high school till the
current age. The poetries talk on diverse subject
like love, hope, faith, vision, festive occasions,
friendship and a host of others. So I anticipate
that you enjoy every bit of this poetry.
I dedicate this book to a very great friend of
mine, Ivan Boateng, I wish you all the best in all
fields of endeavor and I wish above all things
that thou mayest prosper and be in good health.
First and foremost I acknowledge our Lord and
Savior Jesus Christ who gave himself a ransom to
us all. I thank the Almighty for this gift of writing and the strength and creativity to be able to
complete this book.
Also I say thanks to my family for their guidance
and support in all my expedition to be a writer.
Finally I say thanks to all who have aided me in
the writing arena, all my friends who have been
pivotal in guiding me up to this stage I say I
really appreciate it, and may the Almighty richly
bless you all.
ISBN: 978-1507646595
Life just like the sunlight,
Which rises up in the morning,
Is akin to the human mind.
On earth grounds we find,
Ourselves, our reason of living.
It’s a greater chance given us,
By the creator to leave a,
Legacy for future and posterity.
What makes us is indispensable,
If we do not venerate it.
It may leave us empty,
Not able to accomplish,
Any of our life missions.
Life just like the moonlight,
Which appears in the evening,
Is akin to the human soul.
Before or after death,
We depart to a world unknown.
You may ask where do we come from,
And where do we go after death.
It’s a real puzzle to ponder over.
But what do we have to do,
It’s very simple I will help you,
You just have to understand why,
Things that happen to you happen.
Because I think this the clue to,
A life full of definition.
I wake up to hear what I hear,
“It’s time to go to school” was very clear.
“You will be late for classes,
Your friends are already there in masses”.
My mom beckons me every day,
Because she never wanted my future to be at bay.
So I study hard in order to get a college degree,
Hoping to one day make her so proud of me.
But now I am learned about it,
No one saw it bit by bit.
I climbed to the top of the ladder,
With bigger aims of soaring higher.
It is said that the Queens language,
Contains a luggage of knowledge.
So I am down to earth for this game,
Ready and poised to acquire all the fame.
The Queen’s language is all,
That I now see at every wall.
Some speak it with great dexterity,
While others show a high level of mediocrity.
It is much to be desired,
If we want to say and get retired.
So finally, I want to say that, the queen’s
language of treasure,
Is a cake that must be enjoyed by all in an even
Destroy the mask of fear,
And you will find the mystery,
That there is nothing behind it.
This my dad taught me.
Every day I meditate on it,
To understand what it means,
He also taught me:
Fear is just an emotion,
That envelopes ones soul,
When about to chalk success.
And every emotion,
Can be made to disappear,
By an immediate action,
For or against the emotion.
My dad taught me this.
People put on the mask of fear,
Opportunities put on the mask of fear,
Situations put on the mask of fear,
Occasions put on the mask of fear,
Competitions put on the mask of fear,
Failure puts on the mask of fear,
Death puts on the mask of fear,
The devil puts on the mask of fear,
Even life sometimes put on the masks of fear.
All these have on objective,
That’s to impair its victim,
And make them pessimistic,
To smile at success.
So I entreat all,
To also destroy the masks of fear,
To all life impossibilities,
Because this have been,
My awe-inspiring secret,
To a life full of victory.
Her eye, her eye produces laser spells that is
heart mutating.
Her hair, her hair when she swings moves like
arrows that are soul piercing.
Her nose, her nose moves so cautiously with her
mouth and easily aligning.
Her lips, her lips is so sexy and hot and very
Her teeth, her teeth look as white as snow that is
She’s so beautiful, and I love her every day.
Her neck, her neck is lovely and needs no
Her smile, her smile make me gay and forget all
my worrying.
Her face, her face look so bright and smooth and
always radiating.
Her voice, her voice is so quick and sharp just
like lightning.
Her speech, her speech makes her love in my
heart not stop burning.
She’s so incredible, in my heart she will always
Her chest, her chest moves stylishly into her
breast without protruding.
Her waist, her waist forms so steadfastly and
needs no adjusting.
Her laps, her laps I cherish so much that I can’t
stop kissing.
Her arm, her arms when am in I always feel like
Her feet, her feet is so amazing and very
She is so impeccable, and I don’t want her to go
Is it out of curiosity?
Or out of ignorance?
They plunge into an act,
Of unkindness and betrayal.
It tears them out.
We hear them cry.
But how can they be saved.
If the act is just a game.
A game that made them mad,
Of what happens every night.
When you are socked in the act,
There is no restriction or draft.
The game is not sweet.
But it players play it tasty.
So I wander why they still,
Complain to ex-engage.
“Oh Heavens I want to stop
I don’t like it anymore
It’s tearing me apart
Like lost in a jungle”.
They lament and sob.
But who have heard their cries.
Who can liberate them?
From this act of bondage.
It’s sad to see,
Your fellow colleague suffer,
Because of ignorance and curiosity.
How they wished they knew.
So this is a deterrent.
To all that have hopes,
Of engaging in this game.
In which there is no turning back.
In a city of light,
Were they go off suddenly.
Then a hissing thunderous sounds,
Of creatures ravage the streets.
Pa pa pa…fear summons,
The heart of the inhabitants.
Like the doomsday,
People seek their god’s favor.
They wail bitterly and aguishly.
Since there is just a moment,
For them to depart,
A world that is lifeless.
They await the ancestors’ crown,
Which has slain them,
From time immemorial.
But this time the anticipated,
Turns into the unprecedented.
Their faces drop and crawl.
Their heart fades and shrill.
The end is certain, who can tell.
Suddenly it’s a clash of titans.
Were a vampire’s mortality,
Is restored with the ancestor’s crown.
Who ever thought?
It could have been possible,
For a vampire to show love.
It’s so amazing it happens so sternly.
Brightness suddenly merges into darkness.
Clouds of sunshine are withdrawn.
For the season of doom to overtake.
A world not entangled with acrimony.
This exudes a peaceful state of mind.
This is when my soul conjugates my whole being.
I then sit and stare at the faces that make me.
A time I dine with moon.
Trying to get through to new.
To every success that welcomes me.
Into the known from the unknown.
This is when the earth backers.
Stay all - night to draft peak measures.
That moves the world in it’s cycles.
It seems strange but that’s the ethic.
The decorum to amazing success.
In a world full of pleasures.
Is by only one criteria.
That is listening to the moons answer.
When I entered planet earth.
There were things that really let.
You to be described as just.
Or someone that always hurt
What keeps us alive and still kicking, defines us;
This I call one’s LIFE.
The inbuilt natural ability to do an act, defines us; This I call one’s GIFT/TALENT.
How you are able to make precise life decisions,
define us;
This I call one’s INTELLIGENCE.
An effect or feeling that emanates from a person,
defines us;
This I call one’s AURA.
The external physical features of a person, defines us;
This I call one’s BEAUTY.
One’s exploit and accomplishment, defines us;
This I call one’s ACHIEVEMENTS.
One’s behavior and character to others and any
situation, defines us;
This I call one’s DEMEANOR.
And finally ones actions and inactions, define us;
This I call one’s DEEDS.
So now you see some excerpts.
That can make you perfect.
And the best.
Among the rest.
A stifling cloud of desire to see her,
Warmed up my legs and hurled me to her home.
My eyes then peeped through the door.
And I entered her arena madly craven.
I rush down to the floor to see a sight.
Her body tinted with her own blood
Blood surrounded her body like a meat being
fried in cooking oil.
Her hair sputtered brown being socked in her
Then I moved my eyes down to her chest,
In her abdomen were four thrashed holes of
The bullets aligned her abdomen laterally.
As if cut by a chain saw.
Again I saw her liver and intestines spilled out.
They looked as if a dagger was perpetually
Into her stomach and squeezed.
I touched her body it felt as cold as snow.
Maria is dead… Maria is dead…Maria is dead in
cold blood.
I then ask myself again who could have ever did
As watched, her pale face was turning frail and
In my moment of despair and pain,
I starred at my life talisman.
Torn apart into pieces and wholly annihilated.
A strong regenerated emotion of ache, anger,
spite, inundated my soul.
I unconsciously forgot how to scream.
Instead I placed my hand into my mouth and
started to bite it hard.
The pain of her death was so strong that.
I could not realize I was nearly biting my fingers
My blood then began to ooze.
As I wept the whole night.
As fresh and intrinsic.
From her mother’s womb.
She came into this world.
A new product is made.
Beauty decorates her features.
Buyers love to look her twice.
Though some may not patronize.
It’s a shame she still stands – why
It’s tantamount to what,
Happened in the Garden of Eden.
Her eyes is now open.
After her desires purged her soul.
How possible could it be?
But not to forget,
Her purpose of make,
Is that reason to break.
She is now broken.
What’s needed got from her.
Now empty and dummy.
Is the bottle bought yesterday.
She is now mandated into a new world.
A world were nothing seems wrong.
Life is tasty outside the cave.
She will like to taste every male.
How will you feel if you were her?
Or if you were to meet her personally?
I will not be able to stand her.
Because she can’t store anything.
The broken bottle.
How fresh it was made.
But it’s now in shamble.
I pray that the Heavens may save.
She came from a humble home of Ventour.
She had a beautiful family of four.
She always got what she wanted without
So people liked her because she hated
She lived a decent life full of charity.
Way through her life time she had many
Some who were lucky enough to be her lover.
She was beautiful and had great confidence.
Very calm, passionate and showed a lot of
But lacked only one thing in her residence.
Most guys she dated never loved her.
A lot liked her because of the money she
So luckily she was fortunate to find one guy.
Who was as cute and rare than none.
She gave him all she had.
But in return he made her life so sad.
He made her to realize.
That he will never love her price.
She could not believe what was happening.
It was so painful and heart breaking.
This surged through her heart so tight.
She needed a guardian angel in her encountering
Finding none she decided to end her own life.
So she went up the stairs so high.
And screams out “I am thirsty”
She then raises her eyes up to the skies.
And say “who can satisfy me emotionally”
She then throws herself and opens her soul to
With her she thought it was all over.
With the notion that her life has ended.
But she realizes and open her eyes.
She could not believe what she was seeing.
Rightly holding her was a Prince Charming.
An incredibly handsome young man.
Who fits to the dream of every young girl.
He then says, “Miss today is a day of bliss.
You have suffered a lot in your life.
But today I want you to be my wife”.
So this is the saga of Jenny, the thirsty girl.
How can fate be so mean to hurl her happiness
into a cell.
To this regard I hope to say whether sad or gay.
That life can be really rewarding.
Only if we can keep on enduring.
Mirror mirror on the wall.
You are the most beautiful of all.
You let my life go tall.
And never leave me dull.
When I kicked your love like a ball.
You prompted me with a call.
That raked through my heart like it will fall.
But I ended up so small like a gull.
Ooh most of the time I dream.
In what really seemed like near a stream.
I wandered whether to scream.
By what I see as a team.
The image was not very clear.
But I don’t care whether it’s blur.
Because I think the image in my dream who
Is no body but you beautiful pink.
Today I write my maiden letter