On the Move


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Published: 9 years ago

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Book Description HTML

This is a collection of some of my poems written from 2007 to 2010 published in 2012, a period of great transition in my life. It includes the four poems created for my first novel, Camelia in Winter, and some political poems on the theme of displacement. They cover a range of topics and themes but mostly address personal struggle in a sea of change.

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Barbara Waldern

Im a teacher of writing/reading English and a professional editor/writer. I was born and raised in Vancouver, Canada. First and foremost, I've been an activist all my life. BA (French major/English minor), Diploma Social Issues, MA Anthropology, Certified TESL instructor, certified writer, trained in editing and career counseling, To relax, I like exercise outdoors and singing,as well as good conversation, films,eating and stories.

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