On the Move by Barbara Waldern - HTML preview

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Self in Motion


Cross the water

Stretch the bounds

Step over miles

Escape the hounds—

My life is not where

They say it’s supposed to be;

Despite not to spite it,

I live according to me.

That may sound selfish

And hard to relate

But there’s no telling

 The quirks of fate.

I am not a pilot

Though active and participant

The universe changes

Directs and rearranges

No, I’m not just

Along for the ride—

Whatever happens

I take it all in my stride.

I may push, pull

But get swept aside

Or unwarned collide

Or suddenly slide.

However grand,

We are never

Masters of any land;

Just pawns in some strange plan

Or unintended consequence

 Of powerful coincidence—

Who knows?—

Not you, not me.

Yes, we can affect

At least the schemes of man.

It pays to work for betterment;

We should do what we can

But be careful what you expect

And who and how you criticize;

Shame is a boomerang

And scorn ricochet,

Opinion a double-edged sword,

Anger a trigger

Or a detonation,

It is all a matter

Of interpretation.




Language is a record,

Though, too, a matter for interpretation;

It is also a testimony

And a moment of contemplation.

Language is a sign,

And signal,

As much as it is a voice.

Language is a habit

That one wears and performs;

Language is a revelation

That can take many forms.

Once, it is verse,

Then, it is a line—

Poignant, mundane, sublime—

Of a script to rehearse.

Sometimes it is food,

Others just some wind,

Urge you may wish to rescind;

Or meant to allude,

Whether jingle or song,

Speech, however long,

Mere emotions to exude;

There’s always event

By accident

As well as blurt imprudent.

Language is a code;

You’re free to decipher—

What it may mean

We’re never quite decided.

Language is a barrier

Sometimes consciously constructed

It is a device, tool and object,

Obstructing and obstructed.

It is education

Fastidiously instructed,

Though , at times, a reward

That may be self-inducted.

Language is commodity

And a cornered market—

Bought, sold and traded,

Its value up then deflated.

Language is indication of class.

Language is air—

Its substance might not last.

Language is sound,

Often unheard,

Writing square or round,

Read or unread word.

Language can be rationality;

It is also nationality,

Which may not be rational at all.

Language may be big

Or understood as small.

Be it building block

Or hackneyed stock,

Set of stairs,

Splitting hairs

 River flowing,

Of laughs and glares,

Flower growing,

Source of light,

Or no delight,

All depending on the learner.

Language is argument

As much as it is explanation.

Language is shopping lists

As much as it is narration.

Language is history

As much as it is oration.




Some argue that

Oceans are just there,

Not meant to be crossed,

As they do nations.

Still, we cross and are crossed,

With or without care,

Under emblems and slogans,

By cheap or valiant machinations.

Of moguls and shoguns.

People move or are moved.

That is a fact.

They always have and always will.

That is that.

They may wish to escape,

Or hope to change shape.

They may wish upward mobility,

To reach the status of nobility,

Or they like to eat

And stay dry,

If to meet grim feat,

While aiming to try.




Here upon the crest of my voyage,

I survey.

I can see farther now.

I am larger

While the world is smaller.

I am less significant

Though I am taller.

The world means more to me now.

More things matter less, anyhow,

Though the value of life

Has ascended and descended

According to certain kinds of rulers

Who also suffer their ups and downs.

To travel

Is to unravel

Then fold up again.

Pack and unpack

Case and gunny sack.

Here, I rest.

I must.

Until nature’s jest

Blasts yet another gust

And moves me

Like a spider

To resurrect  webs.

Life’s like that.

It’s where it’s at.

Here, then there,

Evolution not well accounted,

Mountain as yet unmounted,

Among forests uncharted,

Oceans too deep

And generations unstarted,

Or so it seems to us,

Though we see patterns,

From  Suns to Saturns,

In which we are trapped.

We can only yelp and cry,

The universe passes us by:

Thunder clapped,

Mountains percolated,

Gases infiltrated;

The galaxy evolves,

Sphere spins and revolves,

Matter is created,

Matter dissolves.

History is a human invention

And the clock a simple convention —

Little lines we scratch,

To make rules, labels and rhyme,

Of things we cannot catch;

There is no time.

We can never be master

For the more we bleed

The universe burns faster.


By Barbara Waldern (Masan, 2008)