On the Move by Barbara Waldern - HTML preview

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My desire


I know you’re out there anticipating,

Feeling the excitement mount and recede in waves with every thought,


Hoping, scheming,

Toying with desire,


Don’t go too fast, but hurry up!


The long drawn out flirtation

Is building the tension

As it inches forward,

To who knows where.

That’s part of the excitement,

The mystery,

The danger—

The possibility whets appetite,

moistens sensitive and tender places,

fans body heat.

You’ve said it:

I’m your flame of passion;

You’ve suggested,

And I keep responding, insisting on contact,

Never letting you dismiss or forget.

You always invite, make room.

You always signal me

To continue the slow dance.

A midnight date?

Watch me undress?

I follow you into the woods,

Obeying every instruction with enjoyment.

I’m there,


And preparing, all for you,

And you know it.

You still want it, in fact ever more.

The moment of unsheathed touch approaches.


You’ve made some moves,

I have made mine.

Thighs and shoulders meeting,

Hands glancing,

Sometimes clasping.

Finally, your arms reached out,

 your warm hand clutched my knee

as you asked me if I liked it.

I said, “I like your hand there on me”.

Now, on the verge of carnal manifestation,

We know it’s near.

I want you.

You want to express your inner self,

Develop it farther,


Travel to new heights of sensual pleasure

And joy of soul

And I am your vehicle to ride,

Your special license,

Your voyage into new depths,

Your secret and exotic hideaway,

Your dark and erotic dream,

Your dare,

Your hope,

Your alter ego,

Your distant and forbidden shore,

Your home away from home,

Your escape.

.I feel it too.

We’ve been looking for the same thing:

A warm and inviting body as a path to

A warm and inviting intellect

That accepts and celebrates body

While recognizing and admiring virtue

(trying to reckon)

While informing the mind and fuelling the imagination

So as to obey, satisfy, feed, stimulate the spirit along with the body

--we want it all.

We want sigh, acute pleasure, engaging ideas, deep and hot embraces,

Passion and delight,

Love and friendship,

Poetry and art,

Power and vulnerability,

Obedience and might,

Importance and humility,

Prayer and fact,



Quiet and noise,

Light and shadow,

Hunger and satiation,

Possessiveness and freedom,

Borders and flight.

Are you the one

Who will take me there,

To live out desire and let it grow, rebuilding the soul by excavating the flesh?

We have some time.

I think of those firm and loving hands,

Those confident and wise, full lips,

And I want them all over and inside me.



By Barbara Waldern (Masan, 2008)