Other Dancers by justin spring - HTML preview

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1'm sitting on a street bench, wasting my life,

watching a couple of black kids

with haircuts  like shrubbery, squatting

and pumping, practicing hip-hop,

and everything's getting vivid,

Maybe it's a poem about the two of them,

I'm saying to myself and then I look up

and there's this other kid

hanging over me like a  black moon,

telling me he needs some money, that his car's

out of  gas, it's around the comer at the station, his brother

is there, they need a dollar to get home, Just a

dollar man, and I'm thinking, God how I hate this,

he must have seen me talking to myself,

moving my hands, and I start to say,

No,  but I'm thinking, Jesus, it's only a buck, maybe

he's telling the truth, he looks honest enough, like a farm hand

or a  soldier,, and besides, he's big, he could take it all

 if he wanted, and I'm reaching around

for my wallet when I hear him say,

Two dollars, real slow, like he's

explaining something to me,

and suddenly everything's slowing down so fast

he's already halfway down the block, yelling

to his brother, and I'm still sitting there, staring

at his palm, counting out the dollars.