Poems To Share For A Golden Year by Sr. Josephine M. Sanchez, CM - HTML preview

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    BREAD OF MY LIFE (15 April 1997 – Tuesday)

JESUS, You are:

   The bread that nourishes me

   The bread that strengthens me

   The bread that heals me


I believe in everything You say

I will trust in all Your promises

For I am convinced all of them are true.


I couldn’t ask for more

You alone I desire

You alone I longed for


And if to love You

Is to love all humanity

Then give me such a big, big heart to do it.


You who are my bread of life

Can do it

I trust in Your word.

  IF YOUR ONLY JOY (14 October 1997 – Tuesday)

If your only joy is to love and serve the Lord,

Where you are doesn’t matter much

If you die, you are just transformed

In another state where you can still

Love and serve the Lord

Even with greater freedom.


It won’t matter much should yougo to hell

At least one soul is there to love and serve the


As St. Therese would do so willingly

Or to purgatory, it is just right to get purified

In order to be in the presence of the great God

Or in heaven – oh, that would be fullness of joy.


If in heaven, it won’t matter if you will be provided

With just a small dwelling place

For then, your only joy would only be

To love and serve the Lord wholly.

You won’t envy anyone for anything

Save for the great love one has for our Lord and



If I die, my only regret would be

If I had loved the Lord less than my capacity

Or the gifts and talents bestowed on me

That is why I earnestly pray

Grant Lord that I may love and serve You fully

With all of me, not only partly.


OH GOD, MY BELOVED (16 October 1997 – Thursday)

Oh God, my Beloved

You are the reason of my existence

The joy of my living

In You, I find meaning in everything


Oh God, my Beloved

To You I will be returning

In living and in dying

To You alone belong my whole being.






Oh, my Lord, am I dreaming

Is it true or real all that is happening?

Am I really garbed in this clothing?

And to the public professing?


Is it a dream that I would be wearing?

The veil that signifies my belonging

Wholly to Christ, Lord of earth and heaven

My first profession of vows to be pronouncing.


“I give myself to You Lord, just as I am.

With all I may have and desire.

Just as I am I give myself to You.

Make me chaste, poor, obedient and holy.

And so will I be.”


Am I dreaming that at last,

I pronounced my vows and made public my love?

For my Beloved Jesus who has loved me endlessly

And called me to be wholly His as Carmelite



    I AM THE BRIDE (1 December 1998 – Tuesday)

I look at You and see You

Hanging on the Cross

Crowned with thorns

I look and see myself

Crowned with the same

But mine is strewn with flowers

Why not?

For I am the Bride

Of the Crucified Savior.


What honor! What priv

ilege! What joy!

To be chosen as one

And I choose to be such one

Desiring no other glory

But the Cross of my Beloved One

No other crown but like the one He wore

But mine is strewn with flowers

Why not?

I am the Bride of the Lamb.


  I HAVE SET MY HEART (24 December 1997)

Things are so fleeting

One moment is here present

Then gone again in seconds.


Even the most awaited event

Is bound to pass no more present

But part of past moment.


And so I have set my heart

On things that would ever last

On You Beloved Jesus and God’s kingdom.


Give me anything

Joys, sorrows, affliction, pain, suffering

Still will I trust in your love divine.


Claim me as Your very own

For to You I wholly belong

And to You I have set my heart alone.



THE LAMB AND HIS BRIDE (8 October 2002 – Tuesday)

My Jesus, You are the Lamb of God

Who takes away the sins of the world

The Merciful Savior whom the Father

Has sent into and for the world.


And I, am Your Bride

The Bride of the Lamb

I unite myself to You

For the life and salvation of the world.


In receiving You, I receive everything

For You are everything

And in accepting You, I accept everything

For everything and everyone is in You.


Let this be until the end

Or better still

Let this be without end

In a word, let it be for all eternity.






Jesus, my Beloved, 

You love me,

That’s all I need to know

You love me,

That’s all I want to know


How can I doubt Your love?

I have

The Cross

And the Eucharist

And this day, You are mine


I am Yours forever

My Beloved, how do You want me

   to love You?

Ah, by being Yours and Yours



So will the people see

How much You love me

Or rather, they have witnessed this day

Your unbounded love for me


They have seen too how much I desire

To love You in return

By being Yours alone for all eternity

And I desire that with this

People will desire to love You too


     MY JESUS (23 January 2003 – Thursday)


When is the time when You will be:

The delightful thought of my mind

The sweet remembrance of my memory

The melodious sound in my ear

The constant refrain of my lips

The gentle longing in my heart

The full joy of my being

I hope it will not be long in coming.



    DARE TO GIVE (7 N0v. 2006 – Tuesday)

When opportunity comes your way

To do good or make others happy

Dare to give and take the chance

Be it an aid, a song, a smile or a loving glance

Don’t postpone it if you can

Give the best you have at hand


Dare to give, to live, to love and serve

Give to God and neighbor what they deserve

Don’t hold back your talents and gifts

Who knows whose spirit they lift

Dare to give your very best

Joy and peace be yours until you rest


     A POEM A DAY (25/11/2018)

That’s what Fr. Larry said

When first poem to him presented

A poem a day for theme inspired

Even at times more than aspired.


For 8-day retreat, I could hardly believe

Not only eight poems but two plus twelve

Plus prayers in verse form of acronyms

For special persons with their names.


And now, retreat is over

Inspiration seems to flow like ariver

As if a gold mine is open

Words just coming out from within.


I think a poem a day

It seems possible I may say

Just a line or two

To remember something’s beautiful or true.


    AGE IS JUST A NUMBER (27/11/2018)

As they said, “Age is just a number.”

I agree ‘coz I have friends according to how I


When I was not yet a teen-ager,

Apart from agemates, my friends were in grades



And when I was 12 years old,

To Non-formal class of handicraft enrolled,

I was the smallest and youngest in years,

My colleagues, my classmates’ mothers.


Reaching 1st year high school, my Adviser said,

“You are like a premature old



Long-haired, demure, so simple, always in dress and outdated,

A number of outings missed to do projects instead.


Reaching 41, I was listed,    img5.jpg

Among sisters perpetually professed,

To take part in English Renewal


My batchmates became, sisters my seniors.


But when I reached 45, I was told,

“You look 27 years old.”

No wonder I got good friends in

    late twenties,

Though I can be a good friend to

    babies and grannies in 70’s.


And again, recently my Retreat

   Director said,

You can’t be more than 32 years in age.”



Would you be surprised if I tell you,

Apart from agemates, my very good friends now are in thirties – 33 or 32.


So, don’t let your age hinder you,

To do the good required and what you love to do.

You may be young in years but mature and wise,

Or advance in age but still active and full of life.


And so, this is my simple plan,

To learn and do whatever good I can,

Be it virtue, skill, language, art or dance,

Take the opportunity while there’s chance.


Thus, next year, God willing, I tell you,

I will also learn to dance in tiptoe,

When most Ballerinas retire at 40,

Here I come to start at 50.


Therefore, I reiterate brethren and friends dear,

Age is truly just a Number,

God loves each of us boundlessly the same,

Whether baby, Miss or Mrs., Mr. or

   Shosho (Grandma) added to our name.


He calls us in every or any AGE,

Whether as baby, youth, adult or aged,

To spread His love far and near,

For all, fullness of life with Him, here, now and



8/02/2019 – Friday



Be the reason someone smiles today

By your smile and kind words you say

By the good deed you do

To neighbors, both friend and foe.


Be the reason someone smiles today

By the help you give to those who come your way

Especially the aged, sick, poor and needy

Those without home and family.


      CROWN OF LIFE (27/11/2018)

   (Based on Lk. 21: 5-11)

“Be faithful unto death”

Said the Lord of both the living and dead

“I will give you the crown of life”

Everlasting joy and life without strife.


On this earth you are on a journey

A pilgrim towards God your eternal destiny

On things on earth, set not your heart

For in death, from these, you must surely depart.


But set your heart on things of heaven above

Living your life on earth full of love

And service, for God, neighbors and creation

Bringing all to blessed life and salvation


Then at the end, the crown of life be set

On the just ones, faithful unto death

To be with their Lord in heaven forever stay

Beholding His goodness, mercy and beauty.



  GAUDEN AND CHING (03/03/2019 – Sunday)


Gauden and Ching, our beloved parents

So generous, honest  and loving

Bringing us close to God since we were children

Even still serving Him, till now, they are aging


Both firstborns from different clans

So responsible and working hard as you can

Sharing to us by your example

How to live godly life that is simple


Thus, we have learned how to be happy and contented

In any situation or circumstances

Not despising poor condition and poverty

Nor be dazzled by riches and material prosperity


Thanks so much our dear parents

Gauden and Ching

For who you have been to us

Good parents after the heart of Christ



1 May 2015-Golden Wedding Anniversary, Gauden and Ching with Ronald, Theresa, Bong and Sr. Jo, CM

   GIFT OF ANOTHER DAY (18/12/2019 – Tuesday)

Thank You Lord for gift of another day

With eager hope with You to stay

Whatever comes our way

Dear Lord, from You, let us not be away.


Let Your Holy Spirit who dwells in our hearts

His wisdom and light to us impart

That whatever comes our way

Dear Lord, from Your will let us not stray.


Happy Birthday, Dear Sr. Paulette! (4/12/2018)


Happy Birthday, Dear Sr. Paulette

Friend, sister and daughter so sweet

Ever kind, loving, caring and playful

To both young and old, always helpful


May God be with you and bless you

As sharing in His mission, you continue

Spreading His love and goodness to everyone

Wherever and whenever you can


May yours be love, peace and joy

As all your gifts for good you employ

Helping others to be well and happy

One in love with God, our origin and destiny


       HAVE MERCY ON ME (7/12/2018 – Friday)

I don’t ask You like the two blind men to see

Who cried out to You, “Son of David, have mercy.”

But what am asking You earnestly

Have mercy on me and heal me of my hypocrisy.


Let me live genuinely

As Your true Bride can be

Always eager to seek and do Your will

The mission You sent me to fulfill


Let me not be entertained by trivialities

But let my vision be for heavenly realities

Always anticipating Your coming at any moment

To all I meet, eager welcome here at present.


Have mercy on me and heal me too

As you have granted sight to the blind duo

Let my total conversion be this day

To live and love like You, Jesus, I pray.


     HUMAN VS DIVINE (29/11/2018 – Thursday)

Oh, what ingratitude of human

To You Jesus, the God-Man

After all the good You have done

On the Cross offered, the Unblemished lamb.


What great and boundless love shown

By the Divine in this great oblation

He not only created us and sustained

But also redeemed to be His children beloved.


What ingratitude of humanity!

And what love of Divinity!

When we didn’t as much suffer and sacrifice

Our inheritance is the same with the Christ.


20/01/2018 – Sunday



Ananoy Bannoy

Mataki si Kengkoy

Mariga magana

Awang tu bagga


Jesus, all through the years

You have been a Good Shepherd

Son of God and Son of Man

Fully divine and as well human.


As a child, You are my Model and Teacher

Teaching me to choose good, not evil

Helping me to curb my hot temper

To be honest and not a cheater.


As a teen – ager, You are a faithful Friend

And personal Savior I could depend

A constant companion by my side

Even when alone, I could confide.


And in religious life, I came to know

You are Merciful Savior too

Who saved me out of darkness

To enjoy the marvelous life of blessedness.


As my namesake St. Josephine Bakhita

Discovered You as Ultimate Master

So also I discovered You as Ultimate Beloved

“Lover and the Church’s Head” (Fr. Palau).


Beloved Jesus, Good Shepherd

Who for the flock that You cared

Suffered, died and rose from the dead

That all God’s children to Your kingdom be led.


    “KITU KIDOGO” (13/12/2018)

I first heard in 2013 of “kitu kidogo”

From cooks who prepared the food and menu

For 10-year Anniversary of St.Therese Dispensary

Our health facility started in 2003.


To our surprise, “kitu kidogo” can actually be big

When you have not agreed beforehand the price to

      be paid

For what is “kitu kidogo” to someone

May be great for me or you or anyone.


As I stayed on more years in Kenya

This “kitu kidogo” is not something to be promoted

      with stamina

For I have experienced and witnessed

The evil it brings especially to people in distress.


Too much love for “kitu kidogo”

Shows its ugly face in places you wouldn’t want to


Unbelievably, in the mortuary they expected too

    “kitu kidogo” 

Even from a distressed and sorrowing widow


You also see “kitu kidogo” in action closely

On the road or highway

Where drivers stop at many points of entry

To give police “kitu kidogo” to pass safely

                                                    And in the late evening

Or when raining,

When people going home fatigued and stressed

Here comes the matatu with the fare’s price



How could we possibly change this prevailing “kitu

     kidogo mentality?

Asking for something more, for soda or tea

For services in offices which is actually one’s duty

    to render

Taking advantage of people’s distress and misery

    instead of being of help and kinder.


Grant us, dear Lord, light and grace we pray

Help us turn this “kitu kidogo” mentality

Into something sublime such as acts of charity and

    works of mercy

And truly, an appreciation for duty or job

    done well and faithfully.


LORD, BLESS JOSEPH AND MARY (15/12/2018 – Saturday)

Lord, bless Joseph and Mary

Especially today on their wedding day

Make the sun to come out and shine

So to enjoy their celebration as they dine.


Be with them all their marriage days

Bestow mutual love and faithfulness always

Bless them that this day of their wedding

Be full of joy, worth remembering.


Bless them with all the necessary graces

Love, joy, unity, peace and enough resources

Bless them too with gifts of children

To be good citizens on earth, then of heaven.


    LOVE FOR POETRY (7/03/2019 – Thursday)

It didn’t start today

My love for poems and poetry

Even before I started to study in school

In school programs, to recite a poem, I

     was usually called.


And in my elementary years

Up to the time of high school days

Poems I continue to keep in memory

Even till now I can recite some without a copy


But now that am close to fifty

Golden age or half a century

Poems that I recite to anyone

Are now my very own, not copied from someone


Oh, how I love poems and poetry

Especially for the lessons they carry

Or values or important message to convey

Can help us to live better or amend our way


They serve as reminder to both young and old

Of some life’s essential or values to uphold

Helping us in life’s journey

On our way to eternity to be one with the Trinity


    MORE THAN ANY (26/11/2018)

      (Based on Luke 21: 1-4)

As Jesus stood at the temple near the treasury

People came to bring their offertory

Many gave in large quantity

A widow also gave two coins no more than a

    penny                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              .

Then Jesus called His disciples to say

See this widow put in more than any

For others gave their surplus to spare

But she, all she had to live on, came to share.