Poems by Meg Mack by Margaret Mack - HTML preview

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The water gently stirs in evening breeze;
The moonlight breaks in ripples on the ocean; The waves lap on the shore in lazy motion; I sit and fantasize just as I please.

It’s you I’m thinking of. Are you awake
Working through the night, or slumbering deep? Sleeping after toil- exhausted sleep –
Or pressing on, persistent, working late?

I think of you again at break of day.
Do you walk or jog through Nebo’s green, Enjoying the fresh air and wooded scene,
Or lie abed however long you may?

I pray your way is clear when on the road,
That you’ll be safe, drive calm behind the wheel, That anticipation’s all you’ll feel
While you drive to work from your abode.

When I take a break I think of you,
Wonder what you’re doing through the day, At hospital or surgery or play,
Hope you’ll find joy in all you have to do.

When I knock off at five you’re working on, Unless it’s your day off and you’re relaxing. I hope your workday hasn’t been to taxing,

That you are happy planning recreation.

I think of you finally driving home,
Or preferring to work late to fill the hours
In the wards, or Wickham Terrace towers,
Rather than spend time home alone.

I know you crowd your hours with busyness. I wonder if you ever think of me.
I know your love for me will never be,
But dreaming of you eases loneliness.

My days are full of family and friends,
And love and things to do, both work and play, But my thoughts still often wing your way. Loving you my life more meaning lends.