Poems by Meg Mack by Margaret Mack - HTML preview

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Honour is a word that’s out of fashion.
Fidelity is out of fashion too.
Another word past use-by date is passion,
Although its energy gives strength to do
The things that make the world a better place.
False modesty and statements of humility
Are what pollies blabber when they receive awards Of “honour” for achievement and ability.
It’s doubtful, to say the least, that their rewards
Are justified in many cases. They are frauds
At best, when they opine that it is “humbling”.
It is vanity, not humility, these bumbling
Idiots are feeling in their breasts.
Those who have earned awards feel honoured. My case rests. The goals these toadies work for are for them,
Not for society, and often it is true
That they manipulate and postulate to gain
The “honours” they accrue.
Expediency is the by-word of the times.
Society is ruled by the economy,
We are fed ideas that politicians think
Are the theories that will get us all on-side.
Never mind that society is on the brink
Of disintegration for absence of a guide,
Or rather, because a minister presumes
To tell us this or that, and we all follow.
The more we have the more we want.
We must learn to practise more restraint.
For society’s sake we must make
Sacrifices. Let us bring back honour,
And nobility, unselfishness,
Love for one’s mate and for one’s children.
Let us not throw away relationships
Along with the white-goods and I.T. equipment.
We treat our politicians with gross disrespect.
We have the politicians we deserve.
Let us demand once more of politicians
That they honour pledges given and received.
Let us demand they always speak the truth,
No matter who or what the circumstance.
Let us remind them they are there to serve us,
Not to bully or to bluster or to glory.
And when they live as they should be living, Give them the honour they have earned.

Let us exercise our power over pollies,
Whether left or right or in the middle,
To make them toe the line and serve us,
Not just to feed us fashionable theories of the time: Feminism, global warming, economic rationalism, Multicultural society.
Let us view all policies with commonsense,
Be sceptical. Weigh up the past in weighing
Up the future. What has worked?
What hasn’t? And what is yet untried? What risks Are needed, and what may be too costly?
Don’t let politicians or the media
Decide for you. Be educated and informed

When you cast your vote at the ballot.