Poems by Meg Mack by Margaret Mack - HTML preview

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Hate burns the soul, corrodes the mind, turns Sweet to bitter, and fragments the whole. Love is the soothing balm that heals the hurt, And makes the spirit calm, Teaches us that those who’ve hurt us Are hurt and crying, too. Reach out to those who’d harm you. A gentle touch, a soothing word, Grief understood, a cry that’s heard, Turn hate to love, heal any wound, Give faith and hope, can turn around A soul. If you stand beside your brother, Loving one another, Forgiving every injury incurred, Returning good for evil, exchanging hate for loving, You can change the world.

When I survey the majesty of ocean,
The cauldron of Poseidon’s mighty deep,
I ponder on the eons of its story,
And the thousands who within its waters sleep. And as I regard its awesome splendour ,
Where beyond eye’s reach it stretches evermore, Its surging tides and raging waves a-flowing
From far-reaching shore to foreign shore,
I realize the smallness of my being,
A grain of sand that lies upon the beach,
While worlds away lie other grains unknowing

My world, as mine to them is out of reach.