Pretty Girls Don't Bleed by Emily Allison - HTML preview

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please come and save me -



i soak in a

bath filled with

clear ocean water,

harvested from the


deep blue holes of

waters filled with

glowworms that

blink in morse code at me,

whisper my name,

lead me to where i

strive to be.


waters filled with

salmon-pink gas that

leaks its way

into my ears, my nose,

flaring in the

back of my throat,

churning in my stomach.


a sinking sensation

fills me; when i thought i was

indestructible, i became

more vulnerable.

i talked back to the

glowworms, signing

hello and how are you

to them, blinking my

underwater flashlight.


flurries of fish

surrounded me, a

low chatter of a

thousand voices

droning on in the 

back of my head.


i remember a

moment when my

mind went blank,

the water turned black,

and all i knew was that

i was alone.

no one would save me.

no knight in shining armour would

swoop down from the

heavens and fly me to shore.


not even the glowworms,

with whom i had sp;oken to

numerous times,

would come, nor the


schools of

bystander fish who just

peered at me with

wide eyes and

whispered about me.


i realized that i was

too different from them

to be saved. the blue hole had

swallowed me into

oblivion and silent wonders,


and i couldn’t help but

wish i was back with the

people i knew.



the water is

so freeing and

so terrifying

all at the same time.

i know that i could

drown at any point and

no one would hear me,

yet i always

find myself going

deeper and deeper despite the

common sense at the

back of my head.