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The Tortoise and the Crab: Part 3



“I’m going to challenge that foolish tortoise again, Mister Hare!”

The crab said the next day

While the sun was out

And he and hare were standing outside

In front of their tiny green lawn

“No! You can’t crab! It’s too risky! You’ll just lose again, and fall into depression!!”

“Don’t worry about me, hare! I’ll do just fine in the race tomorrow! You just watch me!!”

The hare groaned, defeated

“Ok. Well, whatever you say. But don’t say I didn’t warn you, you damn crab.”

So, crab went off to the races

Instead of going to sleep

Inside Mr. Hare’s stone home

He met the tortoise again

A tortoise that was

Putting on a show of bravado

While wearing

His purple tuxedo

“Well, I see a CRAB has come back to challenge me!”

“I’m not defeated so easily, tortoise.”

“Well, you’re going to be crab.”

“No, I’m not!”

“Yes, you are!”

The race began

Mr. Crab was just wearing his pajamas

He imagined himself as a superhero

Flying ahead to beat the tortoise

The way his mentor-

The hare-

Had failed to do,

All those moons ago

He was probably indoors

Inside his stone “shack”

Getting drunk right now

Mr. Crab didn’t want to end up like that

Even though he respected and admired

His mentor

So he ran....

And lost

To a freakin tortoise....


“Ha ha! I told you that you would be beaten by me!! Ha ha!!”

The tortoise laughed in his face,

After the race was complete

The crab was


He sent a PUNCH with his claws

One of


And accidentally



“Oops. Guess I’m a murderer now!”

The crab proudly exclaimed,

Happy with inappropriate glee

At the death

Of that annoying,


Slow tortoise


Oh, what a disturbed, mentally unstable crab he was!

“I need to get out of here!”


HE RAN!!....

But he left the body

Not the brightest crustacean in the ocean,

He certainly seemed to be....