STIGMATA - Political Musings of Unrequited Love by Ruxandra Duca - HTML preview

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As below, so above.

If I fall, I might fly.

I’m alive, how could I be?

I am dead.

Why do I feel alive?


Nighmarishly, I ponder deceit,

and I laugh in the face of disaster.

Do you know how I’ve lived,

and I’ve felt every ray

of the Moon in the heart of the ocean?


To think I might be!

And I tried to become!

And I was what I’m not,

And I felt what I don’t!

And I resurrected God for the love

Of the world.


He said ‘Don’t!’


But I did...

I can’t guess where they hid!

Heights and dreams...

How they fled!

I’m alive...


I’m dead.